How much have you changed as a person over the past 10 years?

  1. I’m an entirely different human being, but overall I’m definetely humbler and more empathetic. Something about my early days made me super stuck up and constantly feeling the need to prove that I was smarter than everyone else. Glad that it’s gone, I don’t think I would even be friends with who I was in the past.

  2. Wow…from 35 to 45 yrs old…My life has completely changed and so have I.

    I’m a completely different person and live a much different life. A lot of the things I believed in…I dont any longer. I feel I was mislead and lied too.

    I have a completely different husband now…some of the same animals. Shit I think the only consistent thing has been the home I own.

  3. I’m not as sweet and friendly as I used to be. Coming out of a 10 year abusive relationship last year was hard on me. But I’m slowly recognizing my strengths.

  4. Well my teeth are straight and I can drive a car now… so I guess I still have a lot of growing to do!

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