Hey guys!

Im 28M and Im dating someone (26F) who is genuinely an awesome girl

But dating with ADD can really SUCK because with ADD you have a tendancy to Hyper Fixate with no real way of controlling it. I have a life and run 3 businesses so i keep myself busy but i still have issues with overthinking about the person im dating and hyper fixating

Any advice on how to fix this?

I understanding thinking about someone youre dating but not yet official yet is normal and im not being obsessive or awkward about it….but i know enough about my Mental Health enough to know when im hyper fixating on something bc its typically on things & tasks in emotionally tied to (business, hobbies, dating, work, interests ,etc)

Can anyone help?

How to deal with ADD hyper fixation in general would help! bc it wrecks my productivity and real drains my mental capital which makes me tired sooo much faster than normal. Mental exhaustion sucks

  1. Multi-date people so that your hyperfixation doesn’t settle on one person. If that doesn’t work its time to find more things to do in your spare time.

  2. Also waiting for actual advice before I self sabotage my chances lol

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