When people around you are used to your shyness, they will always think that you’re shy. Even if you try to change, it will never be credible for them, they will think that you’re playing a role.

The best solution to stop being shy is to change your social circle

  1. That’s so true! I’m usually a soft-spoken guy. One day, I was loud and felt more comfortable speaking my mind. I was feeling good about myself and felt confident. But the people around me said, “What’s gotten into [my-name] today?”

  2. Not just shyness. People put everyone in their little box.

    I went travelling for a year. Met a bunch of people who treated me very differently, and much better than I thought of myself. Came back to my old city and group of friends, they preferred the “old me”

    I went back to the place were people treated me better.

    Good luck with transforming yourself. Hopefully you can at some stage in the near future, go to a new place and become your true self.

  3. Start by playing a role and at the some point it will become natural. Trust me on this.

  4. I don’t agree. I used to be shy and you have to focus more on being self-assured in your individual self without seeking that validation from others. Maybe they will still see you as shy, but that will change when you become more comfortable and consistent in displaying this new authentic self around others. Though a change in social circles may be what’s needed to finally make that change as you said, sometimes we develop emotional dependencies on our past connections and those can be hard to detach from.

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