Men who’s partner/SO approached you first. What was your initial reaction and how’s your relationship going ?

  1. My wife approached me, for 11 years ago. Now we are getting married soon, live in a House together and have a kid Who’s 2,5 y Old

  2. My girlfriend of 10 years approached me in highschool. I noticed her looking at me in class and in the halls and stuff. I wasn’t to interested but decided to give us a chance. It ended up working out wonderfully I found my best friend and my partner for life.

  3. So… she contacted me on Hinge. I responded, we met for coffee, and it went from there.

    About three weeks in, she admitted that she’d left her phone out and unlocked that first night and her friend thought it’d be funny to pick a rando on Hinge (me) and message me.

    That was a year ago. We live together now.

  4. I was surprised because I was really into her but thought she had a boyfriend so I didn’t do anything

    Turns out she did have a boyfriend and didn’t really mention it

    We’re not together because she did to me what she did with me

  5. Together 5ish years. She is just a much more outgoing and direct person in public. I am way more reserved.

  6. She approached me on campus and said
    “You know you kinda look like Walter jr from breaking bad ”
    “Shushhh . You are supposed to call me Flynn and keep it a secret ”
    We are doing pretty well .

  7. I was completely blown away. She was someone I was extremely attracted to both physically and mentally, but I also viewed her as well above my social ability so I didn’t pursue her, though I wanted to. She did tell me that she thought there was something between us and that she liked me. I almost passed out.

    Anyway, we have been married for almost 9 years now with a couple of kids. I still can’t figure out what exactly she sees in me most of the time, but I am completely in love with her.

    – to my wife, I know you are reading this, I love you.

  8. She came on to me in a college class. I knew that type of forwardness / aggression was just right for me. I’ve been repaying the matter for the last 20 years ; p

  9. I was approached my a classmate at university, things went well for about 3 months and then she cheated on me (with another guy she approached lol).

  10. I pretended not to notice that she was hitting on me for like ten hours, then we had sex and have been married twenty years.

  11. My gf texted me first, I was hesitant as fuck , did not think this girl would like me, she is absolutely perfect. But here we are 2-3 months later and we are full blown in love with each other.

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