If you eloped instead of having a wedding ceremony, did you regret it? Why or why not?

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  2. Not at all. We eloped and then had an intimate wedding with family so they wouldn’t be offended. We were young and knew we wanted to marry but didn’t have our family support. We cherish our first wedding so much more because it was just us. We focused on just the two of us instead of family issues, bridal part issues, cost, catering issues, location issues etc etc etc. we did what we wanted. How we wanted and when we wanted. I highly recommend people consider it. I only regret bothering having the second wedding because it was a waste of money.

  3. English isn’t my first language, but I think what my husband and I did was eloping.

    My now husband, I, 2 witnesses and some immediate family(mum, dad and brothers from both parts) went to the peace judge’s office, signed the paperwork and went home.

    Some of our family were upset we didn’t threw a party but we are not into social gatherings, so no regrets over here.

  4. Not at all. We were engaged for a year and I was tired of dealing with meddling parents & in-laws, trying to find venues, dresses, etc. So we just packed up one day & drove to Vegas. It was great and just for us. We didn’t go into debt over a ceremony neither of us cared about, and we had fun. 25 years later there are no regrets.

  5. No way, just eloped and skipped the wedding garbage entirely. Great financial decision and I’m not religious so saw no point in having a wedding, but personally I’m not a fan of the wedding industry or any of the extremely religious motifs in it so I always knew it wasn’t for me.

  6. Never, not even for a second. We eloped in Paris and traveled Europe for 2ish weeks in 2015 for maybe 20k All in. Travel, dress, dinner at L’Arpege, florals, beautiful photos from a pretty well known photog in the biz and a classic car to scoot us all around town. We just got married on the balcony of the apartment we were staying at. In front of Eiffel Tower. It was so perfect, things that went “wrong” seemed like nbd compared to the royal breakdowns I’ve seen bridezillas have. We were just there, & together… it was all very romantic. I recommend it to everyone and my friends that haven’t take my advice have said they should have at some point during planning/after. I think planning a big wedding is extremely stressful and sometimes the juice just ain’t worth the squeeze.

  7. Definitely not! We are going to do a renewal of the vows on our ten year anniversary for the family. We didn’t have money and I didn’t want to waste money on a ceremony I didn’t even want. The vow renewal will include the kids and will be more of a party than anything else.

  8. Nope.

    We did a helicopter elopement and got married on top of a mountain that had a glacial lake.

    The day went incredibly smoothly.

    I had a friend watch our two dogs so after the ceremony we could take some photos with our dogs on a local beach (paid the photographer an extra half hour)

    Paid under $10k for everything.

    Cheaper than a wedding.

    No stress.

    The day was literally just about us.

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