Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had used AI to generate a bio for tinder? I noticed AI is extremely bad at coming up with a profile that is original. It continuously references pizza and uses the same lines.

Here’s one example,

I’m not looking for my soulmate, I’m looking for my pizza soulmate. Someone who will share my love of pizza, from the classic pepperoni to the more adventurous toppings like pineapple and anchovies. Someone who will eat pizza with me at 2am after a night out, and who will also be down for a nice pizza picnic in the park. If you’re a pizza lover like me, swipe right!

Here’s another one,

I’m not looking for someone who will change my life, I’m looking for someone who will make my pizza taste better. I’m funny, I’m kind, and I’m always up for a good time. If you’re looking for someone to make you laugh, I’m your guy. But if you’re also looking for someone to share your pizza with and make it taste even better, you’re in luck!

I find it hilarious that AI has an extremely hard time coming up with something original.

When asked it always first suggests this,

I’m the kind of guy who will make you laugh until your sides hurt. I’m also the kind of guy who will make you cry, but only because I’m so funny. I’m looking for someone who can keep up with my quick wit and my love of puns. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, I’m not your guy. But if you’re looking for a good time, I’m your man.

Also I never actually told it what gender I am. It completely assumed I’m a guy without any information from me.

What do people think AI playing a bigger role? Atm it seems like it doesn’t really understand what females like to see.

  1. I think if you even had the thought to us AI to come up with a dating bio, you’ve already lost.

  2. Why are you using AI to generate a bio? Seems a little misleading to those who may read it as they’re not actually your words. If you can’t come up with a short bio about yourself, you’re not ready for a relationship as you need to better the one you have with yourself.

  3. It’s an interesting concept. For the full Monty, you should pair the most random presentation with a set of AI generated images, based on key parameters from the presentation.

    I doubt you’ll net a suitable partner, but it might nevertheless yield some interesting results.

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