How do you cheer your partner up when they’re stressed out about things that aren’t in your control?

  1. A variety of things to get cheered up, but the de-stressing always begins with a very long hug.

  2. Tell them to go take all their clothes off and lay down on the bed and give them a full body massage.

  3. Take some things off her plate. We split all the chores pretty 50/50, but if she has a really stressful day or has some extended family drama, I take care of her stuff so she doesn’t have to worry about it. Usually stress is just too many things piling up at once, so eliminate as many of those as you can.

  4. Make them feel supported in the ways I know to support them.

    Maybe that’s a nice home cooked meal or a bag of Taco Bell.

    Maybe it’s just listening to them talk.

    It all depends on the person. There’s no general way to cheer people up.

  5. You don’t need to cheer them up, comforting them would be better, just stay by them , hug them, and try to make them feel cared for.

  6. I think the answer is different for men and women so some context would be more helpful. If you are a woman wanting to cheer up a man then try a steak and BJ then leave him to figure his problems out. If you are a man wanting to cheer up a woman then idk… I’ve found that you basically need to figure out a way to control it or take the stress on for her.

  7. Listen to them and help them self-discover the root of the problem.

    You can’t cheer them up, only they can adjust that internal perspective and feeling.

  8. “I can’t stop the rain, but I’ll be with you through the storm. With pizza.”

  9. Not a man. But my husband likes to bring me my favorite food or take the kids out so I have time alone.

  10. I try to remind her that we are in this together she was alone for a long time and is used to taking care of things for herself and gets very frustrated because she thinks she still has to. So I remind her that I’m her soon to be husband and I’m here to help her with everything that she needs help us! Even if we can’t change it we can work through it together.

  11. My wife melts from foot rubs. I absolutely hate feet, but will do that for her whenever she needs it.

  12. I usually ask her to talk to me about the thing that is bothering her and I listen to her intently. Often, the conversation ends with a tight hug and/or a snuggle on the couch. Other times, I give her space. One of the biggest mistakes guys make (and I have been guilty of doing it on numerous occasions) is to immediately offer solutions. Unless the lady asks for solutions, don’t offer them, instead just give her your undivided attention. Cheers.

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