Hi, so my mom pointed out that my boyfriend (24) and I (25) might be in a codependent relationship… but I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t really believe some of the things she says. She’s tried to convince me that he’s emotionally abusive, even though he doesn’t call me names/belittles or anything that points to it. We’ve been dating for around 9 months.

I genuinely love my boyfriend. We hangout all the time, but he doesn’t keep me from my friends. He also doesn’t care if I hangout with them. I don’t think we have “giver” or “taker” signs either. However, I myself do have some of the signs but I can’t tell if it’s because of my own problems from before the relationship. I have problems with low self-esteem, clinginess (my boyfriend actually likes), a bit controlling (I’ve always been like this). I just get kinda bored when I’m by myself.

At times I have a hard time communicating how I feel but I’ve been working on that with him and also setting boundaries. My mom also thinks that he talks down to me (I dont) and is starting to make me feel like there is something wrong with the relationship. He does some things that I don’t like, which I told him about and he’s been working on it. It’s mainly on how he’s been stressed lately and snapping a bit at me, which I told him to stop. Personally, I don’t think my mom likes him. He’s a massive smartass and it can come off as rude (I’m the same way).

I just love this man and I’m scared that my mom is right. I don’t think she is but I might be missing some signs. I’m also in therapy working on some stuff myself.

I don’t think it’s a codependent relationship. We push each other to be better and work harder. We make sacrifices and communicate. If he does something that makes me uncomfortable, I’m able to talk to him about it and he fixes it.

Please tell me my mom is overreacting!

TLDR: mom says I’m in a codependent relationship but I don’t think I am.

  1. What does your therapist say?

    Outside of this relationship, do you have issues with your mom? Or do you generally trust her judgement?

    What kind of things does he do that you don’t like?

    How much time do you two spend in each other’s company?

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