This guy and I go back in high school. We weren’t really close then but we got along. Flash forward to 2018, I messaged him how he was doing and he wanted to go for coffee. We went and caught up. From there we hung out more and now I consider him a good friend.

2020 I noticed that he was depressed because his friends who I know were distancing themselves and that it made him upset. However, he is friends with them, but keeps a distance.

In 2021, he asked me to play ball and I reconnected with two other classmates.

In 2022, I got to know his family more and even hang out with them at cottage trips. I also got to know wo friends who were couples.

I don’t understand why he mixes me with people. I would never mix my friend group. But this guy does it anyway.

  1. I think it sounds like he considers you a dear friend and would like to share some parts of his life with you as a warm gesture/thank you

  2. I mix friend groups quite a lot as an adult. It’s hard not to if you’re actually trying to make friends yourself because everyone has their go-to posses—once you get close to someone, you get close to everyone else they regularly hang out with. Seems like your bud just genuinely likes having you around and figures you would mix well with the rest of his friend groups that he has built over several years.

    You personally don’t have to mix if you prefer to keep your friend groups distinct. Sometimes you need that separation, e.g. having a gaming group, an active group, a family group. Definitely suggests that you receive specific fulfillment/comfort from having varied kindred crowds.

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