So I (M24) am FWB with this girl (F24) and it’s honestly great. She’s sweet, caring and the sex is incredible.

Due to some miscommunication, she thought I was not interested in her for 2 weeks because we didn’t text, since again miscommunication made us wait for each other to text first to make plans 🙃

Well because she thought I had lost interest for some reason, she had sex with 3 other guys in these few weeks. She did agree to be exclusive if I wanted to, but I think at the time I was thinking exclusive in the sense of not being able to date anyone, so I don’t really blame her for having casual sex with others.

My biggest concern is that I’m feeling jealous. Now I wouldn’t really say the romantic connection is there for me, and I couldn’t see her as my girlfriend, but having her brush me off that quick (she even said that she thought I lost interest and then thought nothing more of it).

I do see her as a good friend as well, I have sometimes stayed at her place for days.

Has anyone else experienced something similar, feeling jealous over someone you don’t feel romantic with? I’m afraid we might just not be on the same wave length. I am gonna talk to her about it, but wanted to hear your opinions as well. Thanks 😊

Edit: Just to reiterate an important part: I don’t blame her for seeing others and I don’t hold it against her.

  1. Unless you have a set 100% exclusive arrangement (which is rare for FWBs), you can’t be upset here. FWBs by definition are no strings attached. You should ALWAYS assume your FWB is also fucking other people.

    If that bothers you, you aren’t cut out to do FWB’s. You need to stick to relationships.

  2. It’s easy to fall into the misconception that FWB means always without cost(s).
    These things can get…
    Lets just say they work out until they don’t, then they have to end. Not saying it is time to end it. Just saying it’s the nature of these arrangements.

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