i’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years now and he’s never really been a romantic type of person. we never go on dates, he’s never given me any gifts other than a necklace, and he always wants to be sexual w me. i’m more romantic while he’s more into sexual things. he says it’s how he “shows his love.” but i don’t want that to be the only way he shows his love. how do i make him want to be more romantic w me? i want to go on dates and stuff but he never wants to do any of that. i’ve talked to him about it multiple times and he says he will try but he doesn’t do anything to change. i just don’t understand why he won’t be romantic when i ask him to even tho i’m willing to do sexual things w him even if i don’t really want to. i do it for him because i love him and i know that’s what he wants. it hurts my feelings how he doesn’t do the same for me. i’m not asking for him to take me to dinner somewhere expensive, it could just be a picnic that didn’t cost much money to set up.

  1. >how do i make him want to be more romantic w me?

    You can’t. You can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do themselves. So if you want a more romantic bf, you’ll have to go find one elsewhere.

  2. You’ve already talked, you need a proper sit down and talk, tell him what you want and as adults hopefully he can meet you in the middle, if that doesn’t work time to move on to some one who does treat you how you deserve. Some people just aren’t romantic but will try, some people do all the romantic stuff until they’ve got u and then all effort stops ,don’t stand for less than you deserve

  3. Im not sure he can change his personality if he’s NEVER been like this… I mean… maybe find someone who is willing to show you love how you want it to be shown. That’s not a lot to ask

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