Hi, I’m 23F and I went to new york for internship.
I’m from another country not america.
(Forgive my english before I start)
My internship is gonna be over soon
and I didn’t extend my contracts.
So I have to move back my home country soon.
I’ve spent 1year in this country, met
amazing people and I love this city so much.
I’ve felt so down and sad even it is my choice to move back
for my future.
And the thing is I met one guy
who were being my side and spent the most of time together.
We are not in relationship but we are really close,
and all I can say is he is the one I do really care.
And I haven’t told him that I have to move back my own
country soon… I’m so scared how is he gonna react and talk to me. It’s so hard to say goodbye to the people I really care.
And I rly don’t know how to talk about this with this guy.
It makes me cry just to think about that.
I know this is life that if there is meeting, there is also a parting. But I hate to say goodbye this person who probably can’t see each other again.
Have you guys ever said goodbye to someone you
really care ? How? and How did you deal with that?
Thank you for reading my story

  1. Just let him know what is going on. He knew you weren’t a citizen or pursuing that path. So, he knew it was going to happen. Years ago this would have been a much bigger issue. But, today with the numerous apps like FaceTime you can let him into your life at home as much as you want. Good luck back home!

  2. >i know this is life that if there is meeting, there is also a parting.

    That quote touched me. It reminds me of one’s bum-cheeks. At times they are stuck together and in constant meeting with each other, but there is also times when the two must seperate 😔😔 I have never dealt with anything like this, but the positive is we have social media these days where you two can both remain in contact and possibly plan a future meeting if you want to. You can also exchange numbers with each other and message each other while being… seperated 😔😔. If two bum cheeks can be seperated and come back together, you both can come back together too. All the best for you two!

  3. I’m sure you’re not thinking about disappearing without saying anything but just in case, don’t do that.

    Just be honest. Let him know that you’re sad about it. Tell him how much you appreciate his friendship and see if he wants to keep in touch.

  4. I’m going through something similar right now where she is moving back to her country. I knew some day it might happen. She arranged a meal for us at our favourite restaurant and she was completely honest and kind about what was going to happen. It’s hurts and will for a while but we’ve both agreed to leave it beautiful. Live well and peace.

  5. I’ve had to let go of people I got really close to due to constantly moving while growing up, it can be a really hard experience. Honestly the best you can do is tell him what’s happening, and how he reacts is his choice, but perhaps he’s willing to keep in touch? It’s always nice to have friends from other countries. Just in case you ever plan on visiting America again.

  6. Never again? Are you from North Korea?

    I mean in this day and age we have the technology to at least have long-distance relationships. I don’t think LDRs are great personally, but by the sound of this 1970s Japanese drama plotline, you should at least try.

  7. Wherever you are moving back to, I am sure you are one or at most two flights from NY. Stay in touch with him, is not hard to maintain a long distance friendship. You can always visit NY or your friend can visit you. Online interaction is much more common now, however if there are ,ore than friendship, you should let him know, maybe he will try to get you to stay.

  8. So this happened to me. I was so sad I didn’t have the guts to tell him until after I got back in my country. He didn’t know what was going on and kept pursuing the answer for a while. I ended up telling him the truth about my feelings and thoughts for him. Fast forward to 3 years after, I came back to the US for my graduate degree and we actually got married after 3 months of reconnecting. We’re now living in NYC married for almost 4 years now. If it means to be then it will happen. If I could give you one advice…be honest, tell him your situation. I don’t know your relationship with him or what you expect from him, but in this case it only helps you if you tell him upfront. Good luck 🍀

  9. I woke up today to a goodbye letter from someone I liked, killed me, but I understood.

  10. It’s so hard to begin to say goodbye. Share the news as soon as you can. Download What’s App or similar. Facebook maybe…

    Try to stay in touch. I’ve known a few people who went back to their home countries when I was young. I wish we had social media apps then. I enjoyed knowing them.

  11. You can get a visa if you want to stay and marry 💁‍♂️

    So you can give him two options.
    (marriage doesn’t have to mean a relationship but it can be used as a tool to get around that system)

  12. Just let him know, chances are he might not even care. It’s very common on the west to smile and be friendly, but people really get over it very fast. I was surprised by it when I came to the West

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