Okay so my boyfriend and I have been together for a year coming up this summer, and I have never been as in love as I am with him. Everything about him I find attractive, I honestly thought I’d be out of the “honeymoon phase” by now but still he gives me butterflies. I love his body, he has a hairy chest and a beautiful happy trail that spreads out over his stomach that I just find so hot.
I know that he is scared of getting more hairy and has made me pluck the odd hairs on his upper back or shoulders cos he says he doesn’t like them and that he thinks they’re gross.

However, he’s been feeling a bit under the weather today and was very down after his shower. I asked him what was wrong and he said he looked down on all the dark wet hair sticking to his upper body and said he just felt so gross and dirty. He has asked me before if I could try waxing him before the summer because he doesn’t want to be at the beach with “that much hair”, something I got super excited about lol because I’m a bit of a sadist and I think it’d be funny to make him shriek (even though the thought of seeing his bare chest is admittedly a bit weird to me but he does what he wants with his body and I obv love him regardless) however I didn’t realise until recently this is actually an insecurity of his.

I find him so gorgeous and my favourite place to be is between his pecs, all warm and snuggly on his beautiful hairy chest between his big, safe arms. My stomach isn’t as hairy as his but I shaved it along with my thighs and pubes last month and he was a bit like “oh why? Your hair is so sexy!” and I told him that today as an argument but he just said “well my hair isn’t sexy, mine is gross because there’s too much of it”. Yet he is the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and he’s not even THAT hairy anyway! There’s nothing abnormal looking about him at all. He’s a natural blonde (we’re both Scandinavian) so it’s not even that dark. I’ll even draw hearts in his soapy chest hair when we shower together sometimes lol.

How do I help him feel less insecure?

TL;DR : my boyfriend thinks that he is too hairy but I want him to understand I just find it hot and he is absolutely stunning

  1. Ngl I need a women who loves her man as much as u do, this is so wholesome. But anyways tell him how sexy you think his hair is and really emphasize it

  2. I think you just keep emphasizing how sexy it is.

    I have a similar attraction to my partner’s chest hair (he doesn’t want any on his back either, I get that). Since he’s concerned about the beach, tell him that lots of women (and men) find the hair attractive – not everyone needs to be peeled!

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