For me it was the very trite seeming “people are rarely against you, they’re usually just for themselves”

In the moment it just felt like something people say and I didn’t give it much thought. Later I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and it has completely changed the way I perceive people’s interactions with me. I now have far more grace for people’s behavior and tend to interpret people’s actions with far more good faith.

  1. I had a restaurant manager who sucked in many ways, but she did give me this one piece of wisdom.

    “Treat everyone as if they’re having the worst day of their lives”

  2. was a messed up kid in my teens

    was made by high school to visit a psychologist

    laid it all out to him, problems I had with my (dysfunctional) family and all the drama stuff that went on in my household

    at the end of the 2nd session, when I was about to leave

    he leaned in to me and whispered

    *”listen kid, the problem is not YOU, the problem is THEM”*

    did me a world of good…

  3. A less generous version of that goes something like: “Never attribute to malice what can more easily be attributed to incompetence.”

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