So, I started talking to this guy on a furry app called barq, me and him are both furries, I am a F, 19 and he is M 25, we both went to the mall last saturday on a first date, my mom came along because i wanted to be safe.

We went to the arcade and played a few games and he let me use his tickets to get a prize i liked, then we went to an anime shop and he got me an eevee figure and a kirby one.

Before we all went home we went for sushi, and he paid for me and my mom without her even asking. He makes more money then me and her. I really like his personality and I hope that me and him work out and become official. We’re taking it slow since i start school next year and have a surgery soon.

But I feel like going on a few more dates with him to make it official because i really like this guy, hes so sweet, caring, heartwarming, and he is also a cat person like me and he has a big fluffy maincoon.

we also both love paranormal stuff and want to go ghost hunting together. He works at EA sports and helps with the lighting and models at movies :3

any advice to help me and him become more official together? I really like him a lot.

  1. You could have a little talk. NOT ABOUT marriage/life long commitment (that could scare him off). Rather, talk about regularly dating and that you’re not interested in hook ups once you become sexual.

    Don’t establish him as a husband or boyfriend yet……..just establish that he is not a fling or hookup.

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