please don’t post this on other social medias, im scared he will find it and figure out im talking about him. i 20(f) feel as though my relationship has gone down the drain with my partner 21(m). we have been together for 5 years now, since we were 15 and 16. I think my prefrontal cortex finally finished developing, and i’m starting to see this relationship as so toxic. in the past, i wasn’t allowed to do a lot of normal things like have social media, spend too much time at home, have friends that weren’t his. now, it’s not like this as i’ve freaked out on him and weve gotten into so many arguments and fights. there’s so much more but i’m not going to list it. as of late, i’ve been thinking more about the things he’s done to me and realizing im slowly starting to regret everything i’ve done. i moved across the country, lost all my friends and family and essentially im alone now. I used to go to college but i was forced to quit by him before my last semester because i made a male friend in class that i would text on occasion about anime and music. (not many people in this state share my interests so i take what i can get) we got engaged on my birthday last year infront of his entire family and i couldn’t say no, or not now. each time i brought up thinking it was too early, i be been told it’s just a ring and a label when i think it’s so much more. i definitely haven’t been perfect, but i’ve never been controlling, or cruel like he has in the past. he tells me he’s changed and he’s a different person now but i’m so drained, i can’t think of a happy ending with him and i have no idea what to do. im broke, alone in a state that i can’t afford to live in alone, i have cosmetology school that im in and i can’t quit to go home. i also can’t stay in this apartment because his sister cosigned for us and he’s told me if i wanted to leave so bad to go back home but i can’t. i have too much here invested but i can’t be with him.
it breaks my heart because i want to so bad but nothing in this relationship is enjoyable for me anymore. what should i do.. im so lost. im sorry if this post was all over the place i wanted to write it as fast as i could.

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