My guy friend talks about his ex gf every time we’re out together … they broke up 3 years ago. Just curious if guys do this a lot with eachother??? I don’t have many guy friends but this one makes me feels like maybe it’s common lmao.

  1. Not often, but I was 28 when I met my wife so a lot of my experiences and stories have an ex in them.

  2. They bust my chops about them, because I did have quite the good-luck-Chuck streak going until I met my wife.

  3. God No, I dont bring my ex up, and my friends don’t talk about theirs either. That would just be useless whining.

  4. We dont even talk about our current gfs. Three years ago is insane, he needs to move on.

  5. Only when its bought up or someone asks me whats wrong. The break up was pretty fucked up (I figured out she was cheating on me, and shortly after, they started dating.)

    Its only been a year since then though, and only 2-3 people really care enough about that situation.

  6. Never, she was my past, that’s where she stays. I’ve put in work into moving on, it’s not worth dwelling into the past and dragging it into the present.

  7. I bring mine up if it’s something relatable to something someone else said. Same as I’d bring up a current gf. I don’t just bring it up out of the blue tho and I don’t think many people I know do either.

  8. I had 2 friends take about 5-6years to get over their ex that they dated in high school. Their relationships were maybe about a year and i dont think they were over them until about age 22. At first it made sense but i felt like way too much time had passed for it to still be relevant. I could tell they felt it deeply but it seemed kind of delusional to me at a certain point. Im happy its a thing of the past now

  9. Constantly for like two months until i realized it was cringey and i needed to get over it

  10. *”How often do you talk about your ex’s with your friends?”*

    I don’t.

    *”My guy friend talks about his ex gf every time we’re out together … they broke up 3 years ago.”*

    He needs to get over her.

    *”don’t have many guy friends but this one makes me feels like maybe it’s common lmao.”*

    No, it’s not common. LMAO

  11. Took me about a year to get over our breakup and I haven’t mentioned her name since.

  12. I’d there’s a relevant story regarding them being mutually involved in a scenario my friend and I were both in, but that’s about it, and any discussions are usually quite brief.

    If you’re still talking about your ex, you haven’t resolved things.

    Even my exes that I’ve ended things on good terms with, when a mutual friend is involved, it’s a “oh how’s X doing? Glad to hear she’s well” and that’s it.

  13. Almost never include any of them in conversation unless primed for it, for example if someone brought one of them up

  14. No that’s unusual, maybe in the first few months but three years is too long a time.

  15. I dated a girl for 3 months and it took me a year to get over it. I still think about her from time to time but I don’t bring her up ever.

  16. I absolutely talk to my female friends about exes on occasion- primarily if that connection is relevant to the topic at hand. Not “Oh god I miss her sooooo much!”, but maybe “Oh, X? Yeah, I was on vacation there with Y once, nice place”.

    Basically I treat it like talking about any other current or former friend.

  17. This is annoying, yes… BUT

    Dude is clearly still mourning and hasn’t gotten over her… if a guy can’t talk to his friends about it, who is he supposed to talk to? (Yes, tharpist, but also “friends” is the correct answer).

    If you’re a friend, help him get over the ex… be a wingman, find him a distraction, or just let him rant.

    Wait, are you a guy too?… if not, this a different topic entirely.

  18. Sometimes, but my ex is also the mother of my two kids. And so issues with co-parenting come up often enough. Especially as my best friend is navigating the same journey of recent divorce with a young kid (under 8 years old)

  19. Never

    Men are not suppose to care for whatever dumbass reason.

    Break that and you will be punished. Odds are you are calculating risk and how hard to punish such behavior.

  20. I don’t, and my friends don’t either except for one who is now strictly friends with their ex and they had an amicable breakup. But he only brings her up in the context of their friendship, nothing about their past relationship.

  21. Sometimes when I need a real life example to warn another man about possible red flags.

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