Met her for drinks. I got a bit too tipsy and asked her if we can go to her place (I live with my parents) later. She laughed it off but I am kind of into her so I didn’t shy away from texting and asking later.

She again laughs it off and doesn’t rebuke me, and we have a second date set up later next week. I do not know how to approach.

  1. Bruh, chilllll. Don’t force anything. Pretend like your advances last week never happened and let her make the hint this time if she’s actually interested in that. I assure you, she caught on to what you were insinuating. If not, that doesn’t mean never. But def don’t try to force something. And control your drinking so that you can make your decisions logically. I can’t tell you how many times I ruined my first impression on girls when I had a couple too many. Especially with your feelings toward her, do not overdrink and do/say something you’ll regret.

  2. Whatever you do don’t keep going on about it. If that’s all she thinks you are interested in it’s going to turn her off. She will be more into you if you respect her. Let her make the next move.

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