Resolved in 15mins? 30? An hour? Still talking through it after 6hrs? 2 days?

  1. We don’t really have arguments, so usually any disagreement is handled in a few minutes once we clear up any miscommunication and listen to each other’s views.

  2. I consider my relationship really great.
    It is very rare that we argue but we do have disagreements and sometimes we get mad or annoyed at one another.
    In the beginning of our relationship it took longer to get to a resolution, but as we got better at communication with one another we are usually resolved in the 15 minute range vs a couple hours or so at the beginning.

    We actively remind ourselves that we love each other and that seems to help. It also helps that he is a very kind man and genuinely wants to come to a resolution and is not arguing for the sake of ego or being right.

  3. We don’t argue much. My husband is an excellent negotiator and problem solver. We bicker but that usually fizzles out pretty quickly. My parents told me as a child to never go to bed angry, it’s the best advice.

  4. Our typical arguments themselves don’t usually last all that long. Maybe 10 min? But often there is an underlying issue that leads to the argument, so we often debrief later and that can take longer, like maybe half an hour. But I consider those to be constructive conversations.

  5. Like a whole 30 seconds?

    We have never truly argued.

    Sometimes I’m in a mood and I get snippy, and then I apologize quickly and we’re over it.

  6. We honestly never argue, though we do have disagreements. If it’s something big, a disagreement conversation could go on well longer then 2 days as it’s an open discussion and settling on a compromise takes a lot of effort. But, I can’t think of a time in our relationship where I would say we argued or something got heated. If emotions are getting high, we table the conversation and reconvene once we’re both settled.

  7. 5 minutes. I like to get to the point of things. I don’t like drawing things out

  8. The really bad ones maybe a day or two. Normal ones? Like maybe a few minutes. Idk 10, we are both stubborn and get hung up on things so it usually ends in “whatever im not gonna argue with you” or its a miscommunication and we figure it out after a few mins of talking

  9. Maybe a few hours at most until we just forget about it. There’s rare ones that can last longer though, maybe a day or two.

  10. It’s really rare for it to last more than an hour. When it does, it’s a full blown fight and sometimes that can take 24 for us to cool off and get our shit together.

  11. My current partner – 10 minutes, tops.

    My ex husband – DAYS. We’d sleep and wake up and argue some more.

  12. 0 minutes

    My husband and I don’t really fight or argue. We have disagreements, but we talk through it while listen to what the other has to say like adults.

  13. Depends on the what, we try to keep it short and solve everything on the spot since all is needed is clear communication. It can be a quick few minutes arguments to maximum 15/20mins if it’s something that requires a more in-depth conversation.

  14. We don’t really argue, when we do it lasts for 30 minutes and typically we both forget about it

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