I have always been fairly quick. Only time I last long is alcohol or numbing cream is involved. Just wondering if for men that have to force themselves to finish how does it feel? Is the sensation not that much, a consistent feeling for longer, or control of the urge to cum?

  1. My partner can last a long time during sex and, when I deliberately try and finish him faster, he asks me “why would I want this to stop?” So it seems he’s genuinely really enjoying it. He has a really strong and flexible pelvic floor from years of dancing and has edged himself enough during masturbation that he has good control

  2. I’ve always been able to last in the normal range, 5-10 minutes, enough to have a woman cum several times. Since starting antidepressants, I can last much longer and typically have to take the reigns for myself to ejaculate.
    Now it feels great; she’s very satisfied and gets to cum an incredible amount of times and I’m happy she’s happy. But I will say, it sucks if I want to get a quick nut.

  3. For me, I have to actively control myself and constantly “reset” my build when I start nearing the peak, so I don’t hit the point of no return; so for me, it’s that constant tension, but it’s so good…
    Literally kills me a bit sometimes, I’ve been with some girls who I found super attractive and have struggled through it, wanting to come so badly but also having to stick it out until they were done… that final release is like nothing else…

  4. It’s great for me. It’s not any less enjoyable. You can switch between performing, living in the moment, thinking about how amazing it is, enjoying the visuals, focusing on her reactions, etc.

    Forcing yourself to finish isn’t as bad as it sounds for me. I need to focus a bit on what’s going on, find the right stroke and then just stay at it. Rarely, I realize I’m not gonna get there and we finish without me cumming. I’m ok with that. It doesn’t happen often.

  5. You’re not missing out on much. I used to last longer when I was a bit younger and I just remember it being boring after about 10 minutes of going at it. Everything gets raw and sore and it’s just meh. I mean if you haven’t cum then the build up is there just takes a lot longer. Find you a girl that cums easy, and don’t let the pornstar mentality ruin your ego.

  6. I think that depends what you mean by a long time.

    15 minutes is fun. 30 minutes is tiring. An hour is too much and embarrassing.

    I’ve had to work on it but can normally manage 10-15 minutes now and I think we’re both much happier than when I was lasting far too long.

    I guess the comparison is that it’s a mental block in the same way that cumming quickly is a mental block – when you’re not in control the whole process becomes less fun.

  7. Exhausting at times to be honest.
    She likes it but sometimes I just wanna finish so my sides stop hurting

  8. Ive always been able to last, and by last i mean hours. Id say it feels good the entire time. But i have to be in the correct position to simply get over the hump if you will to finish. Certain positions its simply 99% chance i wont be able to finish with piv or otherwise like missionary on top or any standing or kneeling position. Doesnt make it less fun. I can say i have finished fast before. But usually its the longer period

  9. As someone with ADHD, its kinda annoying cause my mind keeps wandering and i lose the hard on or just get bored

  10. It feels great probably 90% of the time. There are times where lubrication dries out or you’re taking too long and you both get tired so the sex is no longer good. It can also be frustrating sometimes to not be able to cum. I do like to savor the experience however and it doesn’t diminish the feeling lasting longer imo.

  11. It all feels better in the beginning and gets a little irritated or maybe numb if it’s long enough. I can’t really force myself to finish.

  12. It feels pretty damn great for the first 20 minutes or so, but as you get to the 30 minute mark, you’re hitting the point of diminishing returns and it starts to get raw and a little numb. By about 45 minutes to an hour, you barely feel anything but faint warmth and a little wetness. I’ll either try to make sure I finish in half an hour, or just stop and take a break after at that time point and focus on more teasing and non-penetrative play to cool it down and regain sensation.

  13. Mid-50s.

    Sometimes it sucks and sometimes it’s great!

    Had sex for an hour with a girl the other week. She came first, we continued. It was great, felt good, she liked it, came a few times more, we chatted the whole time. When I was ready, I came within 5 minutes.

    Today, with a great girl, couldn’t finish at all.

    Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. Sometimes when I delay it, it never comes back.

  14. Imagine eating your favorite thing in the world but you’re savoring it over an hour instead of eating it all in 15 minutes.

  15. It’s fun. Little secret, the older you get, the more you focus on doing a great job. With that being said.. it’s only enjoyable if she’s enjoying it. Just because you last long doesn’t mean it’s great sex. I’ve found that 15 to 25 minutes of PIV is the sweet spot. But a lot of fun can be had in 10 minutes as long as you pay attention to you partners body language and kinks.

  16. I(25m) love the feeling I can satisfy my partner(23f) and she can enjoy multiple orgasms everytime we tangle up together. I actually have mastered control over when I cum also which is godly🙏🏼

    There is some days however where I am either superr turned on or she let’s me in the back door that I erupt like a volcano quick af😅🌋

  17. im able to control myself by resetting and normally go for 45min-1hr average nowadays. If we do quickies, I can force myself to last shorter. But there was a time when my gf wanted to go on forever. So I thought of the grossest things in my head that would turn me off during PIV. I lasted for 2 hours straight in one session. My gf was so shook and impressed.

    She doesnt know that I was picturing the 2 girls 1 cup video in my head the whole time. (Threw up watching it when a ‘friend’ showed me it in the past)

    Also alternating positions tend to help since it gives you those mini breaks in between

  18. Tbh my dick is kind of numb, it takes me very long to cum. I think it also has to do that when I became sexual active I was anhedonic plus my libido was low.

    Orgasms also used to feel genuinely bad, barely felt anything. I’ve been fine the past few months, just a few days ago I had a scare when I suddenly developed it again, but it turns out my body doesn’t handle topical minoxidil well.

    I wouldn’t say it feels specifically like anything but it’s like I’m always trying to chase the orgasm and focusing on it but I’m always lagging a bit behind until I finally catch up to it. On a side note I had forgotten how genuinely good orgasms feel, though a sizeable amount of times I end up not orgasming and after a while some women don’t like the fact I can’t cum even though it has nothing to do with them, and I end up feeling guilty even though I can’t exactly control when I orgasm

  19. The best sex is the first 10 minutes after that is just dragging if it’s good to cum and then take a break and then restart all over again to have that horny feeling all over again for another 10 minutes

  20. The key is to drink a little bit beforehand, also slow down and more foreplay

    If all that doesnt work just go multiple rounds

  21. U just need to edge a lot because that will allow u to have full control on cumming. I can last along time only because I edge all the time. I always feel like cumming within a few minutes so I have to stop and slow down my thrusts a bit until the feelings goes away. It makes u cum a lot more and it feels way better then it would if u released it fast

  22. It’s great and it sucks at the same time. It’s great because you control the dynamic. Making your partner orgasm and tiring her out is great at times.
    It’s bad because sometimes you won’t orgasm because she’s to tired to finish or you’re to tired to finish. Which in itself is an issue because a guy not finishing can give your partner insecurities. I’ve had that conversation with partners before hand and it still becomes and issue of “why didn’t you cum”.

  23. Sex always feels amazing. It’s just holding back when having to cum and I can last however long as needed.

  24. Well most people love having sex right?

    When I’m with a partner who enjoys it as long as I can go, and we click just right, I really work, it’s the best exercise I ever get. It feels like being an eagle really stretching its wings after days in a cage. It’s euphoric. I imagine a “runner’s high” is similar, but I’m no runner :P.

    Other times when I’m really pent up, I’ve been turned on for a long time, I’ll cum much faster and that’s great in it’s own way…the pleasure at the end is comparable.

  25. I often like it to last and once I get her off I change it up, speed, angle, position, whatever to kinda edge us for a while into the second or more if she can and if we feel like it. I generally do. 😋

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