Very recently, I \[39F\] found out that my husband \[48M\] of 13 years (together 18) has a kink for, as he puts it, spoiling me (doing things for me, getting me presents, making me things, stuff like that). On Friday when we came home from work, my husband told me that he had a surprise for me and then showed me that he had bought plane tickets for us to take a trip to a city we wanted to visit. I was ecstatic, and when I went to give him a hug, I felt that he was very excited. We had really phenomenal sex, and then afterwards he asked me how long I’d known. I asked him what he meant, and he asked me how long I’d known that he got off on spoiling me.

I told him I didn’t know that, and I asked him why he didn’t tell me. He said that he was incredibly embarrassed by it because he likes doing those things because he loves me and loves making me happy, and he feels like being turned on by it “taints” them a bit. We had a long talk about that (he has a lot of self-loathing and anxiety around being a “bad” person, which his thoughts about tainting the spoiling thing played into) and agreed that he should bring up his thoughts on this to his therapist this week.

I asked him if he wanted to introduce this into our sex life, and I encouraged him and told him I knew that he does those things because he loves me, not because they turn him on. He said he would like to find a way to incorporate it, but he’s hesitant to just have sex after he spoils me more, as he thinks that would make him feel guiltier, at least until he and his therapist dive a bit more into this and work through how to manage some of these anxieties and doubts.

Does anyone have any advice or ideas about how we can take this and introduce it into our sex life without just having sex after each time he does something nice or gets something for me? Thank you all!

1 comment
  1. Not sure this is a non-sexual kink. It sounds like he does something to make you happy and then you have sex. It is a kind of foreplay, similar to taking a date to dinner.

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