Few days back, I came visiting my boyfriend and I caught him cheating not just that, but with my best friend and I felt like killing myself cause it’s too much for me to bear after all have been through with him , and he came back begging for forgiveness.

  1. Dump him.

    If you have been through a lot with him and he is cheating on you with your best friend, it is best that you start looking for a new situation. New friend group. New SO.

    Aren’t you worth loyalty? If you are loyal to him, shouldn’t you get that back? Remember, if you didn’t catch them, you wouldn’t know and he not be begging for forgiveness. Instead, he would be planning his next betrayal.

  2. No you shouldn’t take him back. He had his chance to be a good partner and he chose not to

  3. This is not even a question. He clearly has ZERO respect for you. Move on with your life

  4. girl don’t even look back. if you feel really heartbroken to the point your mental state is at risk i recommend you stay with someone you feel safe around for a few days. let your emotions out and feel all that anger because you deserve to. there are mean and horrible people out there and you do not deserve this !!!!

  5. Absolutely not. You deserve a better boyfriend and a better best friend. Cut them both out of your life and do your best to move on.

  6. I just wrote a comment here yesterday, for another person dealing with a cheater where I gave some lengthy sincere thoughts based on what I had been through.

    Mostly I recommended communication forgiveness, and commitment from both.

    Your situation is way different. He was being or is a cousin fcking brainless sht fly.

    You have enough healing to do as it is, if you intend to maintain your relationship with the friend.

    He on the other hand, should be thrown out like the first rag you use to clean up vomit.

  7. Dump both of them. Not worth it. You can forgive but don’t take back them into your lives.

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