Is a nightclub a good place to make friends? I’m 22 years old with very few friends and don’t wanna make friends with mean or aggressive people but it’s the most fitting setting and comfortable place I can think of because I like to blend in. In my city it’s pretty casual about what you can wear to get in (you don’t have to dress formally and can wear sneakers and hoodies I think the main this is you can’t wear sweatpants lol) I even saw a guy wearing a hoodie in the club saying “I paused my game to be here” and it’s kind of changed my opinion on people who go there because I get anxious or self conscious coz I tend to think people who go to these places are really popular and have outstanding social skills therefore making my mind put myself on the spot

Aside from encountering insulting or rude people my city is kind of safe when it comes to clubbing because there is a system where if you get banned from 1 on of the 6 nightclubs the rest will be notified so you couldn’t get into them either. I have trouble making small conversation or even holding them so I am using this opportunity to practice social skills and see if I can make friends along the way, and for arguments sake I will mainly be going to ones with smokers area as I am one myself and is a great opportunity to talk to people, I’ve even considered going to LGBTQ clubs to practice socialising please let me know what you think.

1 comment
  1. Of course it is! People go there to socialize and meet new people. Just be careful. The best and worst things happen at nightclubs.

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