Hello Everyone 👋🏼 so my boyfriend was the best man for his cousin’s wedding. Originally, they had a bachelor party set up to go to Myrtle Beach, SC. I thought this was a wonderful idea. My boyfriend made sure to stress to me that they weren’t going to the strip club. I felt pretty relieved by that. The trip never happened because of scheduling for his cousin and his friends.

Moving forward to the day before the wedding, my boyfriend (the best man) planned a last minute bachelor trip for his cousin and the friends that consisted of an Airbnb, go karts, and the strip club. I was furious but respected the decision because it’s such a “traditional” thing to do. It wouldn’t be that bad right?! WRONG!

So we get to the wedding day, and my boyfriend won’t even look me in the eye. Something felt off. He cried during the ceremony (which I expected) and for his whole best man speech. That is when I knew something was wrong. Don’t get me wrong, nothing is wrong with being emotional, but every little second just seemed odd.

Come to find out, my boyfriend asked to talk to me after the wedding. I agreed and he told me this. He said they went to the strip club and one of the strippers recognized him because he had another Airbnb reserved for later that month for us for an event that we wanted to attend. I thought this was soooo strange how she recognized him??? I don’t believe that at all. I get your profile picture on Airbnb shows who you are, but to recognize someone in the strip club is wild to me. Then, my boyfriend said that he was interested in her lifestyle. He then proceeded to tell me he wanted to know what the “fast life” was about. What does that even mean?? After that, my boyfriend and all the guys went to Waffle House and the woman that is a stripper texted him asking what they were doing next. I thought this was odd too because why would an Airbnb host go out of their way to text someone??? So, I guess they are all talking at the Waffle House at this point and the woman asks my boyfriend if she wants to come with him. He says YES!! He gets in the car with her and she is already asking for sex. He tells me he says no but still engages in conversation with her. She takes him to her apartment where she tries to have sex with him again. He apparently says no and she gets mad. He claims he was there for no more than 10-15 minutes before the guys came and picked him up. After all of this, they apparently drove back home to prepare for the wedding?

All in all, this was a huge boundary crossed for me. It does not add up and my “boyfriend” will not answer my questions without getting defensive. He said he just wants us to get back to normal. How can I?? You agreed and went to a strangers house! You could have gotten hurt or killed but you wanted to know what the “fast life” was like… yea right. We have been together for 3 years and never had an issue until this situation.

  1. He is so full of shit. I used to do security at strip joints and even dated a couple of strippers. That story is so unplausible if you know what is really going through their heads when they are dancing. They are all on such ego trips that they would NEVER pick up a guy in the club and put out for free. Put out for FREE is the part you need to hear. Some but not all will do anything for enough cash. The thing is they see the guys at the club as chumps to scam money off of. They don’t see them as boyfriend material. They would have too much control over them with their bodies and would get bored with them too fast. About the only thing he said that could be true is that his friends were there.

  2. You are getting trickle truth and his story is holier than Swiss Cheese. There are a lot of things which don’t add up. Have you questioned the other guys about what happened?

  3. Lots of red flags here. He is trickle truthing you and can’t look you in the eyes because he betrayed you.

  4. You know he cheated. We know he cheated. Cut your loses now because this will happen again if you forgive and move on.

  5. The story he told you was total bullshit from beginning to end. It’s almost insultingly unbelievable, to an extent where I think in your shoes I’d be angrier that he thought I was stupid enough to believe this than I would be about him definitely paying that stripper for sex.

  6. He slept with her and he making up some bs incase someone tells you he went home with her and you have the bs story to go yeah he told me.

    He went back to the strippers house and fucked her.

    Dump him.

    Text him if you don’t want to deal with face to face.

    ” I’ve had time to digest what’s happened and I’ve decided I will not be continuing this relationship. Your ‘story’ is ridiculous and doesn’t make any sense.. so let’s just cut to the chase and say you was chatting up the stripper and went back to hers and fucked her.. see that wasn’t so hard was it. That is the only truth I’m believing and the fact you couldn’t be honest from the get go means this isn’t going to work and I’m done with you.”

    Then block him

    And of you know any of the gf’s from the bachelor party group tell them what happened because I doubt your bf was the only one to fuck a stripper

  7. Forgive him or don’t, but do not believe for even one second that all they did was talk 😳

  8. blah..blah..paid a stripper for a fuck..blah..blah

    translated all his lying horseshite for you

  9. He wanted to know what the “fast life” was like so he went to a stripper’s apartment to talk to her for 15 minutes? Bro I’m sorry but that’s the dumbest story I’ve ever heard. Your BF sounds like an idiot at best; an idiot *and* a cheater at worst. I’m sure you can do better.

  10. Omg, that isn’t even a plausible story. He’s lying out of his arse. At least he could make up something that’s believable and not try to insult your intelligence. I think I’d be more furious at the thought he’d expect me to believe something so ridiculous

    Of course he had sex with her. I’d imagine some of the others maybe did as well. If not her then with others.

    As someone else has mentioned, he’s trickle truthing you. You’ll probably get the truth eventually but it’s goin to be a slow process.

    He’s cheated and he’s crying because he’s now feeling guilty about it.

  11. Dump him. He’s lying out his ass. He’s defensive and not open to talking about it because he did way more than talk to a stripper. All that crying is because he fucked up so bad and he’s feeling remorse/guilt. No stripper is going to pursue a patron after they leave unless they are getting paid.

    Also, hIs entire excuse/story is so fucking insulting because he believes you’re that fucking dumb to believe it.

    Even if by any chance this asinine story is true, he still technically cheated emotionally and was planning on cheating at the time. He cannot talk his way out of this bullshit.

    Do not have sex with him. Get std screening now and again in 6 months. There are so many Std you can get even with a condom and a lot won’t show up until much later.

    3 years together is nothing at your age. Walk away from this relationship. You’re so young and can find someone who loves and values your relationship. Someone who isn’t stupid enough to fuck a stripper/hooker

  12. Ask your bf for his bank statements. See how much he pulled out that night or on his credit cards. You might find your answer there.

  13. There is no way that story is accurate. It makes no sense. He is trying to cover up for something. I’m 80% sure he had sex with her, whoever she is. If he didn’t have sex with her, he did something close enough.

  14. Don’t you hate it when someone thinks you’re so dumb they don’t even put any effort into coming up with a decent lie? Just stitch together some excuse and run with it?

    Your man got inebriated….. decided he just HAD to have that (whomever) and did. Had buyer’s remorse the next morning when he semi sobered and remembered YOU. Then came up with (truly) one of the worst lies I’ve heard since EVER.

    You might want to suggest he go get tested for STDs.

  15. He’s probaby been taking to this girl and arranged a hookup/trick while he was in town. Thought he’d be slick and bring his friends to his side chick’s work, then realized he needed an excuse why he knew her, and made up stuff about the AirBnB. Then when he snuck off to fuck her, one of the guys saw him, and he’s trying to get ahead of the story before it gets back to you.

  16. Girl, If you believe his story, I got ocean front property to sell you in Idaho

  17. I’m not going to touch the car and apartment stuff bc I think you know some sexual activity and cash were exchanged but he said he would respect your feelings about strip clubs and then went to one anyway. That’s a guy that values his friends and their opinions over your relationship.

    Why would his friends let him do this? I’m guessing there were more girls and more of his friends involved.

  18. honestly, the nice lady from the strip club offered to show him her pokemon cards. he reluctantly went with her because he really wanted more waffles but he aint somebody to pass up the chance to view (not play with) some special pokemon cards.

    unfortunately he didnt get to play with the pokemon cards because it was raining….

    i have been drinking but i still dont see a difference between my story and the story he gave you

  19. So his story his bs. That’s obvious. And you know him enough to be able to try and figure out what may have actually happened.

    My guess…he’s somehow stumbled across this person via social media or while booking the AirbnB and has been communicating with her for a bit. The ideal opportunity to meet her came up with the last minute bachelor party which *he* organized and in which *he* included the visit to the strip club.

    So they get there, meet as planned and he’s all in on hooking up with this person. He leaves with her and his mates say they’ll wait at the Waffle House for him to be done.

    Once at her place he either does the deed and leaves, or has a sudden realization that he’s going to cement the cheating, or he has performance anxiety and can’t finish what he started.

    Now he’s picked up by his friends and one of them says: dude, you suck. Tell your gf or I will.

    So he comes to you with the performative contrition and bs story and wants to “go back to normal” so he doesn’t actually have to face what he did, admit the truth or hold himself accountable for lying and cheating.

    He can go back to his friend and say I told her so you don’t have to and it’s all good, while telling you that you won’t get a different story from the friends.

    I suspect you won’t get a different story from them from the most part unless you find the guy who wanted him to tell and make it clear *what* you were told. The guy might still say ooookkkkkaaaayyyy and then go back to bf with another “you suck”.

    You know these people. How plausible does any of the above sound?

  20. Girl WTH? Get STD tested immediately!!! You can’t be this naive. His story is literally incoherent. I had to re-read that part of your post multiple times and I’m still confused. It does not make any sense what so ever. Does this stripper own the Airbnb? The chances of her recognizing him through a tiny photo is like… none. That is 100% just him making up random shit, it’s what liar do. They feel the need to make up ridiculous details to make their story seem more believable. You should be offended that he thinks you’re this fucking stupid enough to believe his painfully obvious lies. There 0 respect in your relationship. You can’t recover from this. It’s over.

  21. They had sex

    All the guys know they had sex

    He is trying to spin a different story because he knew it would come out. And the reason he was crying was because he realized he would never get to marry you because he cheated on you with a stripper

    DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND AGAIN and please get yourself a full STD panel because once a cheater, always a cheater

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