I’m standing here naked in the bathroom as I type this message. I’m 29 years old healthy male, I had been a virgin up until this point. Met a girl and she started living with me because of reasons, we attempted to have sex and my penis wouldn’t erect. It was quite embarrassing but she seemed understanding. Please help, any advice would be appreciated. She also said that I was shaking but I felt relaxed. God…

  1. Go to the bed, where she is still chilling out I guess? Lay down, relax, touch and kiss for a long enough time until you are calm and collected. Feel her body and enjoy it, let her touch you and keep calm. Its probably just anxiety.

    By just chilling out and not stressing about getting an erection, it will come naturally. Talk to her, don’t act all nervous, its okay to say that this is new to you and some time might be all you need.

  2. Happens to me all the time. Don’t sweat it. You aren’t a machine. Turns out you aren’t ready to stick it in. So get ready. Never met a woman who complained about too much foreplay.

  3. Darling, you gotta relax.
    Most of us when we had sex the first time, were so nervous and had huge screw ups in the moment.

    It can happen to anyone and more often than not happens to everyone.

    Please go with your pace, and when you think you are ready. Don’t stress with what’s there in the ending. Enjoy her, her body, enjoy your sexuality, enjoy your experience,

    Most importantly enjoy that kiss. You will laugh about your screw ups after sometime.

    Have fun!

  4. Well I spoke to her and she was fine with it I even got. A kiss out of her. Felt my boy move so his still in thre.

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