Edit: By male experience, I’m referring to anything pertaining to existing as a man in society.

  1. My wife’s best friend assuming men are always thinking about sex with other women. Talking to other women, considering our other options etc. Nope. Just thinking about baldurs gate 3.

  2. I get reached out to a lot on Reddit DMs by women looking for ‘boy advice’ which I’m fine with because I love giving advices on these subjects and whatnot.

    Anyways, a trend I’m noticing is how much I have to explain that no, asking a man out for a date or making the first move is NOT gonna creep us out. I mean I appreciate the concern, ladies, but relax.

    “Oh my god she asked me on a date, shiver me timbers đŸ˜±” is not a thing. Of course a guy might get nervous or undecisive but it’s not gonna be seen as anything other than flattering at the end of the day unless you’re like really screwing it up bad.

  3. A lot of people seem to be under the impression that I can just hop down to the courthouse and get full custody of my daughter because her mom is a garbage human. Anyone who’s been through the system knows that’s not how it works.

  4. A woman called me a misogynist because I had the audacity of having standards when it comes to choosing a partner. As if I had to accept every woman on Earth just because I’m a man. And not only accept – I have to think highly of every single woman, just because she’s a woman.

  5. “Men need to learn to handle rejection better like women”.

    I don’t ever really see anyone talking about it, but a lot of women get fucking crazy when you turn down their sexual advances. In my experience, they’ll either get really angry and aggressive, or uncontrollably sad like their whole family just died in a tragic accident.

    There’s definitely dudes who need to learn what the word no means, but in my experience women don’t handle the rejection well either.

  6. That I’m not allowed to live life the way I want unless a woman approves of how I’m doing things. At least that’s as the gist of the message.

  7. That I have a truck and I’m a guy, therefore, myself and my truck is there for the world to use to help people they know move.

  8. My best friend (woman) told me get a sneaky link (fuck buddy, for clarification), she told me its easy. She has one, pretty easy for her. All she gotta do is ask and 99.999999999999999999999e% chance a guy is not going to decline.

    Tried to explain to her its not that easy for a guy as it is for a women
she didn’t listen until her younger brother starts having the same issues I’m having for her to somewhat understand.

  9. “Yeah, but you’re a guy.” Like I can’t get shot or robbed because I have a penis. Women seem to think men are fearless and worry-free walking the streets at night. I wish😔

  10. Take the “insecure in his masculinity” narrative and there you have an army of people completey out of touch. And if you try to explain otherwise that is when it hits you: these people have lost it to the point that they became immune to anyone proving them wrong. They cant be bothered with reality just yap on the cultish mantra

  11. I consider it flattering that any woman can think I have the ability to sleep around and have lots of sexy fun with multiple women.

    I’ve never had the looks or personality for that.

  12. That we do not think about important things. This is hard to explain. My ex (we are friendly) was talking about the Barbie movie. I have not watched the movie, I hear it’s good and I will watch it soon. Most of us heard that it is a commentary on the women condition. So she was explaining how it could open the eyes of some men on what women go through. She gave examples, of course the basics in ‘man-made world’, but also the thing she called ‘mental load’. That would be that women think about every important things in life, but not men.

    As if men don’t think about important events, injustice, life, insurance, renovations, politics, children, etc.

  13. I was reading an article regarding issues that women face, and the way it was discussed really seemed to imply they dont think men face any of the issues they do, and it would all go away if they had a penis between their legs.

    They discussed discrimination at work, and I know women often face more than men, but its also hugely dependent on the field one is in, and men face a great deal of discrimination in some very notable fields (teaching and nursing come to mind). And when it comes to one on one interactions, do a lot of people really think that the same people who are sexist pieces of shit to women just turn around and treat every man like a brother? Theyre still horrible, they just find another reason to treat them like shit. Those sort of people look down on anyone they can, they just might have to find another way to shit on someone who happens to also be a man.

    Then the typical “It would be wonderful to walk down the street at night and feel safe” line gets put out there, as though men are never attacked, robbed, and murdered.

    I understand women deal with things men often dont, but so often the rhetoric seems to move to this absurd extreme, as though men are swaddled and cared for by society and never struggle or have difficulties, and it just divides people further.

  14. My friend’s uncle called him a little bitch after he talked about starting therapy. His brilliant alternative solution was to “get over whatever it is”.

  15. I frequently get surprised looks when the conversation is about divorce. I like to point out that this man who lives with his children EVERY SINGLE DAY, but now the court is taking the kids away from him…in fact, he only gets to see them if he really kisses the asshole of the women who divorced him and took a ton of his money so she can fuck the pool boy.

    Very surprised looks from vast majority of women when you say ” The court took his kids away… ” in their minds, giving the women primary physical custody does not mean taking away anything at all from HIM, ’cause fatherhood doesn’t matter…

  16. That I can’t be sexually harassed and can’t suffer intimidation or “actual damages” as a result of harassing behavior. I’m an ER RN and basically there was a long running dick joke about me after wearing scrubs that were too flattering. Part of it is I’m tall, well built and in excellent shape. I get it. I understand the ingrained evolutionary psychology behind “attractive” people. Other than my build I’m super average in looks, but ultimately I’m no different than anyone else. I have stress, shame, embarrassment, insecurity just like anyone. The only group of people to ever say I get it are highly attractive women. They suffer a worse fate than mine. I only check a few boxes, they check them all. A large number of both men and women feel this way. It really shocked me at just how many people thought I should be flattered to deflect a dick joke during a CPR class or during actual CPR.

  17. Minor who is a DV survivor here. How people think I can just “fight back” against my abusive mother and how I’m “physically stronger” so “it shouldn’t be an issue.”

  18. I was having a discussion in a political subreddit about how we (my political party) need to do a better job making men feel wanted and welcome.

    Some of the replies were kind of surprising:

    * “Men should be coming to our side anyway, there are more women here.”
    * “Men don’t want compassion, men already get compassion…”
    * “…men just want a secret formula that will make super models jump on their dick.”
    * “The issue is, as a man, 99% of man problems are ‘heavy rests the crown’ bemoaning.”
    * “Men face a higher burden of proof when discussing their problems, and here’s a list of the reasons why that’s a good thing.”
    * “Men who advocate for men’s issues just want to do so at the expense of women, people of color, and the LGBTQ+ community.” [Alternatively] “The only reason to advocate for men is in an effort to restore the patriarchy and roll back civil rights.”

    And, while not explicitly a *statement,* I was kind of taken aback when someone said to me:

    >*”What should we show men compassion* ***for?*** *They’re not oppressed or disenfranchised.”*

    As though someone must be suffering before you can feel compassion for them. Not gonna’ lie, reading that took the wind out of my sails. And it’s not even a specifically *gendered* issue, the fact that it happened in a thread about men is just a coincidence, the sentiment *itself* was a WTF moment.

    I mean this in the most obvious way it can be stated: I think men’s and women’s lived experiences are so different from each other that sometimes we have difficulty believing the other’s experience. As men we’re taught to listen and understand, even if we can’t necessarily *relate;* I have no idea what it *feels like* to be catcalled, when a woman tells me catcalling feels objectifying I have to imagine what it feels like to be objectified, which I may not be able to do. Likewise I don’t think women can necessarily understand first hand what a man’s lived experience is like; just like we struggle to put ourselves in their heels, they struggle to put themselves in our boots.

  19. I heard how women think it is very easy for guys to get women and that men are just running through women and cheating because they can just find another one whenever they want.

  20. That life is “better” as a man. No, it’s not better, just different. We have some things we don’t put up with, some things we’re better at, and our own problems which we typically don’t make another persons problem.

  21. That real men don’t cry. In fact the comment of “real men” is becoming tiresome. Ex-military, seen lots of guys tear up over shit they went through and friends they lost. I guess those soldiers aren’t real men.

  22. “Men don’t need safe spaces”

    I like dating liberal women. But so far most of them have not yet considered extending the empathy and care they have for women’s issues into men’s issues.. and are often defensive about the topic

    Some have actually been great to talk to about it and come around eventually. It just seems like nothing has caused them to consider that we can help men in similar ways that feminism has helped women. And they don’t seem to understand (at first) that denying men similar help is bad.

    It gets tiring explaining to each new date why I feel uncomfortable when they say “I hate men”. These are conversations we should be having with children. Not adults.

    Many of these conversations turn out well if you go about it properly. It’s just sad to see that it’s such a common mindset and gets old after a while.

  23. A shocking number of women have no idea why men are less likely to cold approach them in public anymore. Even in bars where such a thing is basically normal.

    They watch innumerable TikToks of women losing their shit in gyms because some guy in the gym coughed and cleared his throat, they read/hear men warn other men of the trouble you could be in for by cold approaching women (the Karen swarm, thirsty white knights, etc.), they themselves have probably humiliated men who have approached them, etc.

    All that and they just don’t understand why men don’t approach as often as they once did.

    Gosh, it is a mystery.

  24. I get chewed out on reddit whenever i defend a guy asking for a paternity test. Men often struggle with doubts and concerns of parenthood, and it can affect how close they get to their children, so if a guy has doubts and ask for a simple test, it could remedy that. Usually its because they are struggling to see themselves in the child, and that happens since we have ppd too.

    But no, if a guy asks, it’s the end of a relationship, and he has 0 trust. It’s like mental health for men goes out the window in this event.

  25. How ‘easy’ it is for us to get laid, or be able to juggle multiple women at a time.

    I had to explain more than once that no, this isn’t the case for the vast majority of men. Some guys are happy with one new date a quarter, thats not even anything past a single first date.

    I’ve even pointed out that if you are a woman pursuing a man or giving him all the signals, you consider him desirable…and you certainly don’t do that with every man you come across, but only a select few, right?

    The surprise pikachu face man, I swear.

  26. The nonstop copes.

    A woman once told me that she asked a man out once but she’ll never do that again because the man was intimidated by her and a date never happened.

    Um, no.

    That guy wasn’t intimidated by you. Rather, you got rejected. That’s what happened. You’re not as hot as you always thought you were and the man basically proved that to you.

    A lot of women get shot down by a man ONCE, the hamster wheel spins lamf, they conclude the man must have been “intimidated” (somehow) and then they resolve to never do that again.

    Bonus points if they complain (with sincerity) that men can’t handle rejection.

  27. the notion that men don’t worry for their safety when walking down a city street alone at night. I’m a short dude thats 46 with a bad back…wtf am I gonna do if I get jumped?

  28. A female friend told me she had no problems getting matches on dating apps and would find someone pretty quickly. She wondered that I didn’t have the same experience.

  29. A (I’m guessing woman) in another sub was surprised that men like it when women check us out and give us compliments based on our looks. “What, they want us to sexualize them now?” I was baffled.

    Edit: Ofc not all of us do. Some of us are in relationships, aren’t into women or have other reasons. But personally I love it and I know my male friends do too. Being told I’ve got a nice butt by a woman I didn’t even know has been one of the happiest experiences I’ve ever had when it comes to that.

  30. I saw a thread where a woman was theorizing that her boyfriend thought she was fat because he lost his sex drive. In the thread, she said that when confronted, her boyfriend admitted to being stressed financially and overworked.

    None of the women in the thread could comprehend that men could lose their sex drive and relationship lust during bouts of anxiety or depression, the most common response was that he was lying about her gaining weight and that they should break up. Imagine getting dumped because you need encouragement and love. He said what was going on, and nobody believed him.

  31. A girl I was seeing didn’t believe the draft (selective service) was real. I was talking about how I had to sign up for selective service to vote and for student loans and she literally didn’t believe me. She also didn’t understand that the Vietnam War draft was involuntary. She is a smart person and worked a high paying job but didn’t believe that men did and can still get drafted. I had to google it in front of her and her jaw dropped. It blew my mind as I was terrified of the draft when 9/11 happened. It’s a comfort that women enjoy knowing they will never get drafted for something like that.

  32. 1. Women saying men have it easy compared to them in dating. This is outright false.
    2. Anything women say about men’s reasons for things. You’re not one so stop pretending.

    I also dislike men doing the same to women. Bad behavior is bad.

  33. I have commented this before, but was in a room with a group of guys playing Halo on LAN (this was a while back). Girl walked in and watched us all play for like 10 seconds. Then turned to the whole room and asked a room with 6-8 guys in it, “Wouldn’t you guys rather be hanging out with girls than be playing video games?”

    As if we all had the option earlier in the evening to either be hanging out with a bunch of girls or play video games. Also the entitlement that it was an either or. As in if we had girlfriends we shouldn’t still be able to hang out and play games sometimes.

    It was essentially a woman executing the Dan Cook joke about a friend saying they should go get some girls.

    Fortunately everyone in the room berated her for how oblivious, entitled and silly her comment was.

  34. I was talking to a psychologist and trying to gauge if she was actually qualified to offer therapy to men.

    At one point I mentioned that men had to sign up for selective service or face fines, etc.

    She said that men haven’t had to sign up for selective service for many decades.

    Instead of look it up she tried to argue that I had in fact never signed up for selective service upon my 18th birthday.

    What a twat.

  35. I hate when some women think that us men pick up on their subtle “hints” and “cues” during the early stages of attraction and dating. Just be straightforward and to the point

  36. My SIL was asking about my dating life and she just couldn’t comprehend how difficult it is for guys like me.

    I tried explaining that I work remotely, so I don’t really meet new people that way. I go to the gym, but I don’t want to be the guy hitting on women at the gym, especially when I’m all sweaty and gross. I go hiking, but also don’t want to be the guy trying to pick up women while hiking, also while sweaty and gross. I haven’t been on the apps in years, but when I was on them, it was pretty horrible and had a negative impact on my mental health. That just leaves bars and I don’t drink or have anyone to go out with.

    She’s just like “But you’re so nice and you have x, y, and z going for you”. Like okay, thanks. I’ll put that on my Instagram bio and see if I get a message back.

  37. Someone on a woman’s sub was talking about how cis white males have it so easy in the job market compared to anyone else, and implied that good jobs fall out of trees for them. As the mother of two early 20’s cis white males, I can definitively say that isn’t true.

    Edit: I don’t know how life is for everyone else these days, but it’s sucking pretty hard for my guys.

  38. She can not be in the mood 5 times and that’s just how it is. But if I’m not in the mood once it’s because I think she’s fat, don’t like her anymore and am with numerous other women.

  39. A colleague told me most men are rapists because “the facts show almost all women have been sexually assaulted”.

    Me: “So most of your male family members and male friends are rapists?”

    Her: “No, I don’t associate with rapists.”

    Me: “But statistically speaking, at least some of them must be.”

    Her: “You clearly don’t get it.”

    Clearly I don’t.

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