How do you feel when your SO ignores you when you are visibly/audibly upset?

  1. I’d feel disappointed I wasted my time with them and then immediately single because I wouldn’t stay with a partner who acted like that towards me.

  2. Been with a partner that did that. Now that I’m out of that situation, I will never again allow myself to be treated like that again. I’d be out the second anyone tried that.

  3. Oh.. been there! It can be the worst thing, and it can affect you emotionally in ways that you wouldn’t expect.

    If they are being aloof, ignoring you or giving you the silent treatment you have to be very careful and aware of the repercussions of that behaviour to your mental health.

  4. I feel a mix of frustration for myself and compassion for my partner. I know I can be overwhelming for some people when I’m upset, so “shutting down” is a valid coping strategy in the moment.

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