I’m curious to know about the things women struggle the most with when it comes to romantic relationships!

  1. It is easy, if you stop caring so much about it. I spent most of my life not wanting a partner at all, and then I met one person that changed my mind and were doing fine. Even if I didn’t, being single is fine. I don’t know why the fuzz about it. If you’re not happy single you won’t be happy dating

  2. Dating was easy for me fortunately. My struggle was finding someone who wanted more when I did not.

    I guess dating would be easier if we could be clear on what we’re looking for and walk away if it doesn’t match up. Too many people are willing to accept breadcrumbs and that’s not ok.

  3. I found it easy

    We met online, started meeting (first with the other people from the group, sometimes alone), noticed there was some kind of ‘tension’ between us, in a positive way and just gave it a try. Because why not? Happily married 3 years now, first baby on the way.

  4. If it were easy I’d have the 80s movie meet cute and have that Disney movie experience. Life isn’t like that though 🤷🏽‍♀️

  5. If it were easy, I would be married to a former FWB right now. Instead, I wasted my time catching feelings in a year long situationship, hoping they would actually date me.

    I would still have tinder, and my inbox would overflow with genuine matches. Instead, my matches were just guys looking to meet at their house or just hook up. My profile even said I’m not interested in hookups. I deleted the app.

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