a few weeks ago I went to some summer courses, it lasted 5 days and literally everyone was so kind, even the teachers who were young students doing their social service. I talked more with one of the teachers, she complimented my style, my hair, hugged me, she asked to see my art when I told her that I am a digital artist. She even said that although she treats me more as a teacher, we don’t have a big age difference and could be friends outside of the courses. gave me her social media, followed my account and there I sent her messages continuing a conversation we had in person

she never responded, left me on “sent”. I don’t understand why,, she showed interest in having a friendship with me, right? I thought everything was going well. she is online, yesterday she liked a Instagram story of mine but still no response

what should I do? just leave that aside? or maybe ask her to hang out alongside another friend who came with me to the courses?

  1. Just relax, she may be busy or just forgot to reply or may not be a big phone person. She may like talking in person better. Don’t force a friendship

  2. Just something to keep in mind is that when people are in certain roles they attract more attention. So if they have good personalities on top of that, they tend to have more people ‘coming at them’ than they can handle.

    I think her kindness toward you is legit, I just don’t think it necessarily translates into her wanting a friendship simply because she CAN’T make a new friend with every class she teaches.

    Same goes for your dental hygienist, your coffee server, your R.A. (college resident assistant), your mail carrier, your gym attendant. People who are regularly subjected to the public attract attention, get offers of friendship, are asked out on dates etc etc. So generally they have to be a bit self-protective of that.

    The best way to handle this going forward is to continue to remain friendly and let HER offer a friendship if one is to happen.

    Or, you could go ahead and make your invitation. She’ll either accept it or not, but either way, stay friendly! She seems very kind regardless.

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