I’m conflicted when it comes to this question. So what do you think, should everything be easy from the first time you meet, or should you fight for it e.g right after knowing each other one person moves away.

I have the feeling nowadays everyone expectes everything to be easy and served on a silver plate, especially when it comes to online Dating, if the smallest thing doesn’t fit, you keep looking

  1. Dating is hard. It’s hard to find someone you click with well. You gotta weed out a lot of incompatibilities and sometimes people are downright rude.

    Relationships should be easy though. Don’t get me wrong you still need to put in effort and times can get hard, but making the decision to be with them and put in the effort is easy. I know from experience, being with my partner is as easy as breathing. I don’t think you need to “fight” for your love every day, but you do need to put in effort to make your partner feel loved and appreciated.

  2. Personally for me, as a woman, while getting dates and getting matches on dating apps is super easy for me, I have a lot of men who are incompatible with me. But with that problem, I could also easily weed out all the bad men and find the few good ones by putting in the work, which is much easier than getting no attention at all.

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