I’m about to move out of my first rental flat, and I’ve heard horror stories about landlords or agencies often nitpicking issues just to withhold deposits. It seems like 99 out of 100 landlords or agencies do this.

**What strategies have you employed to ensure you get back your full deposit?**

* Location: England
* My deposit is held in a TDS.
* Upon moving in, there was an exhaustive inventory list. I meticulously took photos and videos to capture the condition of the flat. However, I overlooked some scratches on the stove’s stainless steel—scratches I didn’t cause.
* I’ve maintained the flat in pristine condition: ensuring moisture is dealt with after showers, wiping down water to prevent mould, etc. Everyone who visits remarks on its cleanliness, so it’s not just my personal bias speaking.

  1. Request the full deposit back from the scheme. It’s up to the landlord to evidence any deductions, not you.

    Protect your position by taking thorough photos of the property before you leave.

  2. Take photos of everything when you move in and look after the place. And again as you are leaving.

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