What is something you frequently miss or feel nostalgic for?

  1. My childlike enthusiasm and easy friendships, thinking that the world is a good place.

  2. I actually liked my elementary school and have fond memories of looking out the windows on a rainy or snowy day from the 2nd floor classroom.

  3. 2000s movies. There is something so fun about 2000s movies because not all of them were made to be nominated for Oscars. Like The Hangover would never be made today.

  4. My family. Great grandparents, grandparents and my dad … we used to have such fun as kids with all the games and treats and laughter. Holidays just aren’t the same anymore.

  5. Going to Grandparents house after school They always had cold biscuits on the table. The first place I would go is right to the kitchen and grab one of my Grandma’s biscuits. I miss my Grandparents so much ❤️

  6. Playing Nintendo 64 with my sister before our 3 brothers were born.

  7. Getting excited about inane shit. I can remember when I was rocked with joy or anticipation for like; a movie coming out. Or a band I loved coming to town. Now when I look at kids cosplaying their little hearts out and lining up at midnight for something to drop I’m just like. Damn. I don’t remember the last time I was that stoked for a *thing*.

  8. Anything 90s and y2k. Seeing a hs or ms or back to school section at the store also makes me miss the more carefree days.

  9. Vampire Popsicles and mondos. The smell of summer when I was a kid, it was so much more intense.

  10. NYC Block parties and the ice cream truck I’m in Florida now we don’t have that here

  11. As a kid I could spend most of the day swimming in a pool

    Ya at about 5pm I was desperately hungry waiting for mom to cook dinner

    But endless energy to swim all day.

    Now I can maybe do an hour in a pool

  12. Playing baseball with friends in the field next to our house.

    Going on nature walks because we didn’t have shit else to do.

    Swimming from late in the morning to damn near at night.

    Cramming under a blanket together with my sisters in front of the fire.

    Hiding out in the laundry room, passing joints and watching 60’s/70’s Kung Fu movies on VHS tapes.

    Sipping on my old balcony with friends, watching the stars in the sky for hours.

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