As in an order you place over the phone/online to pick up yourself.

  1. I don’t unless it’s a custom order I requested or they throw in something extra. Then I’ll tip an extra buck or two

  2. To go? I don’t tip. There’s nothing to tip for unless it’s like a huge order, really.

  3. I do at certain restaurants. We have some locally owned places that we know the owners and their kids are usually the ones working FOH, while the parents cook. Since we know them really well, I’ll tip them, but that’s a specific occurrence. Normally, no.

  4. Nope… except for one local Chinese place that I love and want to show some appreciation for.

  5. No.

    It’s a buy/sell transaction. There’s no service to tip for. I also don’t tip the people at Walmart when I go pick up my order. Exact same principle.

  6. No. I call the restaurant, place my order. Walk down to the restaurant. Pick it up, pay for it. Walk home. Eat it.

  7. Occasionally, but usually no. Everyone involved in the process of getting me my food is already making minimum wage or more (and the US city I’m from, it’s considerably more than the federal minimum wage)

  8. If it’s fast food where I order at a counter, no.

    If it’s a sit down restaurant that I just happen to be getting to go, yes

  9. Never.

    You are not expected to tip at other places where you get your food from the counter (i.e. McDonalds, Five Guys, TCBY, etc.) and this is no different with a restaurant. Also, do not let others guilt trip you into tipping, it is not their money but yours.

  10. No, tipping is for table service, or delivery. If you bring my food to my table or drive it to my house then you get a tip.

  11. Nope. I have no idea when this even became a thing… tipping culture has gotten completely out of hand in the US. What’s next? Tipping fast food workers at the drive-thru?

  12. If I’m paying cash and the order is like 18.50 I’ll just drop the 1.50 in the tip jar to be nice.

    Card I won’t tip

  13. No I don’t. I don’t tip any other business that I place and order and retrieve myself.

  14. Depends, but not generally, since picking it up yourself defies the whole point of tipping. The exception is if I have something to gain by tipping, like shorter wait time, for example.

  15. I do at one place because they are always nice. Also they have been known to give me priority.

  16. No. The only time I tip is after a service is provided to me. Walking in to get my own takeaway isn’t a service.

  17. No and I wish the people giving a few bucks would stop doing it. Eating out is expensive enough without the tip.

  18. When I was a waiter, I LOVED taking call in to go orders cuz of the chance you get a tip despite only entering the order into the system.

    I never expected a tip though, and it’s something I don’t do to this day unless I know the waiter and/or am in a good mood.

  19. I don’t really understand American tipping culture. Why tip someone for a job I’m capable of doing myself? I can deliver food. I can drive a taxi. I can, and do, cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist, because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.

  20. If it’s a mom and pop type place I’ll throw a dollar and change in the jar. But if I pay card and don’t have cash then no.

    Personally, I think tipping culture is out of control. Places need to pay their employees better. Where I live delivery guy expect as much as servers now. Restaurants are adding a bunch of crazy charges onto bills…delivery fees, packaging fees, service fees…and then they still expect you to tip everyone well.

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