Idk why but this keeps happening, like for example, i’m minding my own bussiness, and she looks at me and laughs her ass of, like she literally Lol’s. I dont really mind it, but i’m curious because when I ask her about what she’s laughing about, she ignores it or just says that she’s laughing at herself.

  1. Anyone correct me if im wrong but isn’t that a hint towards your friend being into you?

  2. Honestly there are manyy reasons for why she should be laughing when she looks at you. Go figure it out by yourself man, ask her or ask other friends

  3. My guess is she knows her behavior is provoking questions and keeps doing it, to see your reaction. (instead of using honest, clear communication.)
    She sounds immature.

  4. She’s doing some thing inexplicably weird on purpose, in order to get either a reaction from you or to put you on the defensive, or it is an invitation to flirt. Try this…

    The first chance you get after she does it, walk up to her and say “seeing you laugh is the second best part of my day.“ and then just leave before she can answer. That puts her on the defensive thinking “why am I not number one?“

    Flirting 101.

  5. lol at all these comments saying it’s flirting, no it’s not lol. She’s clearly not mature and clearly not a friend, I’d stay away from her if I were you.

  6. This is a bit confrontational, but instead of asking “what are you laughing about?” you could ask her “why are you laughing at me?” or “why do you laugh when you look at me?” Don’t give her the easy out of saying it has nothing to do with you, if she deflects, point out “you look at me and laugh, this isn’t the first time. why do you do it?”

  7. You need to prepare some hard hitting putdowns and say them whenever she does that. Eg. “That’s how I feel when I see your mother’. She’ll soon stop. And she isn’t your friend.

  8. just tell her her laugh is real annoying it’ll put a stop to it quick i bet

  9. there is gossip about you going around

    she is doing it because she is reminded of something when she sees you

    it might be a mistake or she is confusing you for someone else

    either way she doesnt find you threatening so she is comfortable laughing at you or around you

    you could take the chance to ask her politely and in a gentle tone “whats soo funny?”

    it becomes a playful nature and a friendship could be formed

  10. Tell her that you will give her something to laugh at, then rear back and punch your own nose until you bleed.

    She won’t ignore it, then you can say in a laughing tone “I knew you would laugh!”

  11. Ask her if she is laughing because of the last time she looked in a mirror…

    *ba dum dum ching!*

  12. Do the same thing to her one day, laughing hard then… go on with what you were doing. If she gets paranoid then you just got her back! Some people need to feel what you felt to understand. She will Learn the lesson.

  13. I laugh at my female friend just because. There so deep explanation and she does the same. Also my female friend is my bff 😂. Maybe your friend feels comfortable around you.

  14. you may just be a funny dude. one of my online friends looks perfectly normal. but when he turns on his facecam, sometimes i just break out into laughter, even if he isnt making a funny face!

  15. Just laugh back at her. Then if she gets upset and asks why you were laughing at her, tell her you laughed at her because she laughed at herself and you thought it was funny too

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