What are some weird things you’ve done grieving?

  1. Held a funeral for the stuffed animal he got me and then buried her deep in the closet šŸ™

  2. I wanted to numb the pain and my deranged brain was like ā€œpeople use drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and even though thatā€™s clearly ineffective, Iā€™m going to do itā€. Couldnā€™t find anyone to sell me drugs because I never hung out around that crew and I felt like absolute shit after the second drink because i canā€™t handle alcohol well. So my plan failed. Next day, I drove 2 hours away to another city where no one knew me & ate a burger, then drove 2 hours back home. That helped me for some reason.

  3. Slept in my car outside of my house for 6 months, cried about dying from inhaling cat litter while cleaning the litter box, wore my shoes backwards, eat something Iā€™m allergic to. Grieving in any capacity, be it relationship or death, makes me unable to comprehend anything for any amount of time.

  4. Made a playlist, took it to the cemetery and laid down on her grave, listening to it. Stayed there for hours.

  5. started crying and just shoved a large portion of my hand in my mouth in frustration. idk man

  6. Grieving a friendship currently…just keep thinking of how I fucked up in the past. And if I were to message her now, would she be accepting or hate me. I’ve grown a lot and see where I fell short. But she had her own issues too and wasn’t a great friend at times either. The last message was on my birthday in 2020 and everyday I wonder if I just answered, would things be different. I thought I was over it but I guess not. It comes in waves šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

  7. As a kid I apparently (told by my parents) saw the ghost of my late great-grandmother… and talked to her regularly until my great-grandfather also passed away (months later), so she said goodbye and I was happy to know they’re together again.

    My dad also told me, how I saw the ghost of my best friend`s mum who had passed away from cancer (BF was 6 and I was 4), standing infront of our house and looking through the kitchen window of my best friend`s apartment to “watch over her” and I just casually told him that, when he picked me up from kindergarden and we came home.

    We (my best friend and I, at that time her mum died) also played “death/funeral” with our barbie dolls… Until my mum scolded us for it. Idk it was just a way of coping for us, I guess…

  8. Spontaneously moved over 4hrs away with no plan, itā€™s impossible to live in a place where someone you loved died

  9. I ate a peanut butter and whole wheat sandwich and cried. It was 3 years after her passing. But she always used to make me little half sandwiches with that exact combo.

  10. Pushed it down and didn’t deal. Got very into spirituality and all things woo woo. The moon, crystals, mediation. Started drinking a bit too much. A couple of times I blacked out around those mostly impacted by the loss (we lost a few people in a short space of time) and according to my husband I was convinced I could contact the deceased and was passing on messages. Nothing sinister ‘they say they love you’ etc. But I was deeply embarrassed at hearing this.

    Put the crystals away for a bit, cut down on the drinking and started exercising again.

  11. I donā€™t think this is ā€œweirdā€ but I drew all of them as ghosts in pictures we had together. For context: all of my friends left me due to me having severe depression because it was ā€œweirdā€ at the time. It was early high school. They were supposed to be my ride or dies. I found my true friends now, but I did grieve my old ones for a while. All of the pictures I have with them are filled with little ghosts where they once were.

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