For me recently… it’s the whole hype around **”lk 99″** , a super semiconductor that will change everything. It hasn’t verified yet, so many countries tried to replicate it but failed and the main creaters are silent.

I don’t know man, i have been brought up to hope and fell down real hard to cynicism so many goddamn times as I went through my life experiences.

  1. I was visiting Italy once. I was drinking on a very famous bridge watching the sunset , and this girl came to sit next to me. We started talking for like 45 minutes, she was a tourist too. She asked me to go to dinner with her .
    While I was walking with her, I couldn’t stop caring about her intentions ( what if she taking me to some empty street , and some other men will come to rob from my belonging) .
    My brain got fucked with over thinking about the probability of this happening for a men, and also the fact that I was watching too much movies ( fuck you Taken).

  2. Looking for homes. Finding houses that were priced really well just to show up and be disappointed by various defects in the home that would cost a lot

  3. There is no real thing as passive income

    Either someone already comes from wealth, and is using someone else’s funds (most likely their family), or the person trying to do this, is making so little money that their hourly wage after taxes is even lower than minimum wage

    I bring this up because as someone that does have the skillset to do things like freelancing on the side and taking on additional projects, that the only reason I can do this, is because it’s just a second full time job.

    It’s not passive, it’s not easier than my current job, it’s just me choosing to remove free time from my life to do another gig

  4. When you’re checking your power ball ticket and you matched the first 3 numbers and start to get excited just to not have any more matches and only win $10. After spending $20.

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