Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about 4 years and things were for the most part going well, we spend almost every weekend together because we lived in the same general area, I even bought us both expensive ass promise rings because that’s something she really wanted and I thought it was cute. Towards the beginning of this summer, I moved about 45 minutes away to a better area in the same state so i could be closer to my college campus. While this change did make seeing each other more difficult we still spent nearly every weekend together. The school year then began this August, (about 3 weeks ago) making spending time with one another even more difficult. My girlfriend’s mom and abusive/psychotic ex-stepdad have been battling over the custody of her younger brother for the past year, at the same time her mom met a new guy and gave birth to her most recent baby with this new boyfriend about 4 months ago, which put even more stress on my girlfriend. My girlfriend began taking her anger out on me which she had done in the past but at this point, it was getting more and more egregious. She would find any reason to let her anger out on me because I was the only person she was willing to talk to about her problems, she wouldn’t talk about it constructively though, she would take it out on me and I would then have to beg her to tell me what was wrong, and if I got mad at her for being rude she would yell at me for not understanding what she’s going through. Today i met up with my family to eat lunch at a restaurant in the small town my girlfriend and my parents both live in, the plan was for me to leave after lunch and spend the night at her house and bring some McDonald’s with me. When we were done eating I called her and asked if her parents were home to which she replied no, (she still lives with her parents, and even though we are both legal adults her mom is very strict about me coming over when they aren’t home) I told her I couldn’t come over if her mom wasn’t home. She then told me that I could come over right away because her neighbor was at her house. For context, her neighbor was very odd, she one time took my girlfriend’s baby brother out of my her arms when she was sitting outside with him and ran away with the baby then came back a few minutes later after my girlfriend had chased her down the street they lived on, another time she approached her mom’s new boyfriend (the one she had her most recent child with) staring at the sun and asked him if he could see the sun smiling (not glowing I mean an actual/ literal human smile) to which he replied no, and finally she was always weirdly close, flirty and touchy with me despite being in her 40’s, one time I caught her sneakily taking pictures of me in my girlfriend’s pool without my shirt on and when I confronted my girlfriend she defended her neighbor hy saying I was just being paranoid, but I know what I saw. I told my girlfriend that I really did want to hang out with her but that her neighbor made me uncomfortable, she then asked me why so I explained my reasonings to her. She then called me an asshole and that she had mental issues so it wasn’t fair for me to judge her based on those past experiences. I then told her to stop yelling at me over the phone and that I didn’t know she had mental issues but either way she still made me uncomfortable and that we could just wait an hour or so until her parents got home, she then flipped out on me and continued to call me an asshole saying that I was being overly sensitive and judgemental, I then told her she was over reacting and that I would be over when her parents got home and we would make up then, she called me an asshole again and I hung up on her. A few minutes later me, my mom and my sister walked down the street from where we were eating lunch to go get ice cream and I began to think critically about the way my girlfriend had been treating me, I then asked my mom for advice and she said it wouldn’t be fair for her to tell me what to do with my love life. Our 4 year anniversary(October 31) was coming up soon, the anniversary was very important to me but I decided I was tired of her shit and called her on the phone agin. I told her that it just wasn’t working out and that we needed to break up, she began to cry and beg me not to do this, I said I was sorry but it just wasn’t working out and that if she messaged me a bunch like she did the past two times we broke up (I broke up with her those other two times for similar reasons that I was breaking up with her for now) I’d be forced to block her (the last two times we broke up she posted videos of her crying about it on TikTok and she, along with her friends, spammed me on the default Samsung texting app for weeks both times we broke up). She kept asking me why but I didn’t tell her, I decided to be calm and just tell her it wasn’t working and that we needed to break up despite the fact I was truly hurting inside and desperately wanted to unload how i truly felt about the situation. I’m at my grandparent’s house, who live in the same neighborhood as her, and I’m planning on spending the night at my best friend’s house who lives a few blocks away from her house tonight instead of going to her house so I can hopefully cheer myself up by being with my best friend and his family who I am very close with. So what’s the verdict Reddit, am wrong for breaking up with her? I keep contemplating whether I should excuse her behavior because of what she’s going through or be critical of the way she’s taken it out on me, what I know for sure is that I still love her and my heart is broken.

  1. You deserve more than being someone’s punching bag. Good for you for sticking up for yourself!

  2. NTA

    You can break up with someone at any time. You don’t need anyone’s permission. Relationships only need one veto, so if either person says they’re done, then it’s over.

    You are 19 and have been together 4 years. The odds of you two making it until death are pretty low. You had a nice run, and it’s time to explore.

  3. I think that it’s okay for your partner to be going through stuff, but you deserve to feel heard and prioritize yourself! It’s hard breaking up with someone you love, but it’s hard when you’re feeling like you can’t express how you feel because you’re afraid of their reaction!

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