Long rant, I’m sorry. Its boring so the bottom line is: **Does anyone have any tips to make that last sex insanely satisfying?**

I’m considering ending it with my FWB because he doesn’t seem to want me anymore. We still have sex and he still initiates but it feels like he only does because he can’t get someone else to sleep with him. He’s pretty socially awkward so finding a girl is not a priority since he has me to keep him busy but he had already dumped me for another girl who approached him and then dumped him within the month.

I really want a guy who will be attracted to me and will want to fuck the life out of me but I’m also not keen on having sex with someone I’m not emotionally attached to and physically attracted to. I feel like I am the most naïve person ever. I won’t give anyone a chance if I dont want to attack him (sexually) every time I see him.

I like this one alot. He pretty much looks like a Viking, twice my size and could easily hurt me if he wanted. Yea, being scared is the best way to be horny.. Also he’s having trouble cumming from any sort of intercourse that isn’t performed by his hand and thus can last for hours, or at the least until we both get tired of it. I’m secretly glad he can’t just cum because this means I have far less risk of accidents (childfree and I legit hate kids, but also would never get an abortion because I would never be able to live with myself with that) But it also means long lasting and extremely satisfying sex overall. It’s a 10/10 of all the things I want from a sexual partner.

Thing is I’m head over heels for him at this point and he says he doesn’t feel that way for me. I started this thinking I will just have fun until it’s over but now getting it over with has become an extreme painful task to me and I’m considering ending it now before he ends it himself. In both cases he moves on and I sit my ass down and I again masturbate sadly ever after..

I don’t think anyone can help me get him interested again if he doesn’t want to but, any suggestions to make sex abit more exciting for the time being? I want this to end with a Bang, like sex beyond reason. Please, help. I’m very open to suggestions.

  1. One thing I can say is. You know this isn’t going anywhere, he doesn’t want a relationship. So the upside is you don’t need to worry about what he thinks of you. So maybe instead of trying to make it the “Best sex ever.” Just work on being your most uninhibited self. Be in the moment, feel and experience every sensation without worrying what he thinks. Enjoy yourself because… fuck it. He’s hot you like it and life is short. And there is someone else out there who you will be more compatible with.

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