I never had friends as a child, a whole load of other demons in my life so far and it’s really screwed me over as an adult. I have crippling low self esteem, I’ve frequently been told I’m too nice for my own good, I’m too hard on myself and that I need to stop thinking so low of myself.

Multiple people have told me this, so it must be obvious. They’re right too, I get upset way too easily, cry at the smallest things. So embarrassing. I made a stupid mistake at work last night and had to go outside for a while because I was crying. I’m a waitress and the bartender told me to breathe and chill, I got so upset he just stared at me and gave me water while the manager told me to take a break. He told me a few weeks ago I need to have more confidence in myself. Another waitress asked me what was wrong when I came back, I told her and she told me to move on and stop being so hard on myself.

I am so so embarrassed for crying in front of coworkers and the fact that they can clearly read me so well.

  1. The fact that they were comforting rather than scolding you means that you’re well-liked or at least doing a good job. It happens to the best of us. Go back to work with fresh courage and if anyone asks whether you’re alright, thank them for being caring. You didn’t hurt anyone or make a bad mistake, you just cracked under pressure. That’s what teams are for, to support their members.

  2. There’s one way I gained confidence..

    I looked up how. And when I did it told me to take up space and pretend I was confident.

    It took years but it worked. You can do that to.

  3. Same here, I cry in front of my coworkers at least once every couple months. It’s okay, all human people cry. Timing isn’t always convenient. As a fellow crybaby though I find it helps if I intentionally schedule in time to cry in private at least once a week. Helps clear out emotional buildup so that I do it in front of other people less frequently. It’s okay to sometimes though, it reminds people that you’re a human person and not just a restaurant bot.

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