I’d love some opinions on what people think I may have experienced.

After Sex the other day I experienced intense cramping. There wasn’t any pain during sex, but Afterwards I felt incredibly uncomfortable and felt nauseous, faint and in moderate pain for about an hour.

Once this passed, I had lingering pain and tenderness in my lower abdomen as well as intense bloating and gas. It mainly hurt when pressing belowy navel, standing up or twisting.

These symptoms remained for the next two days so I had planned on going to the doctor but thankfully this morning I feel much better.

At first I thought it was a bruised cervix but then thought maybe it could have been a ruptured ovarian cyst, although I don’t have any History of ovarian cysts. Has anyone experienced something similar and know what it could have been?

If it’s relevant, we use protection, and I don’t normally have indigestion problems, although I have in the past. My Partner is also quite well endowed, hence my initial assumption of a bruised cervix.

  1. When you have sex your pelvic muscles relax which also control bowel movements. Sex kind of gets during moving in the BM department. The more I orgasmed the more cramping in that area I had.

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