Okay I rarely ever use reddit, but this really got to me, so I want to shed some light on some absolutely gutless, cowardess and controlling behaviour.

Someone I know posted this on Reddit:

I Need Advice On Sexless Relationship 22M 24F
by u/BrownController in relationship_advice

They then went and posted the link to this on their Facebook feed. Along with the link they selected screenshots which called out his girlfriend of cheating, being abusive and generally a bad person to display to all of his Facebook friends, including her and her family.

This person who posted this regularly posts on his Facebook feed insults, criticisms and horrendous comments about his girlfriend for EVERYONE to see.

OP you have cheated on her in the past and she left you, and what you’re only back together because you broke her mums window so she got kicked out.

Reddit, for the sake of his girlfriend please do not support this abusive controlling monster.

– end rant.

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