Been on a few dates with a (F33), really lovely and we’ve been organising a lot of things together (Dates, Lunches etc). Planning to meet her on saturday for a lunch together as well as walk my friends dog together. A friend of mine is organising a BBQ and it’s also her birthday soon. Now this is where the overthinking begins:

1. Wanted to meet her this week but she’s said that she’s got plans with friends (in the back of my mind I’m wondering if she’s going on other dates – been burned before from this type of experience)

2. Birthday gift – obviously want to go big but was thinking flowers when we go for our lunch before the dogwalk

3. Friend’s BBQ – we’ve been on a few dates, 2 back in May, pause as she wasn’t ready after a break-up, then re-started last week. I don’t want to overwhelm and sound pushy

Thoughts would be appreciated 🙂

  1. Some more info would help. How many dates have you been on total, have you kissed or had sex? It doesn’t sound like you’ve discussed exclusivity. Where did you meet?

    Doing something big for someone’s birthday is only a good idea when the dating is more established, in my opinion. Especially if she says she’s not ready to date and you don’t want to overwhelm her. It sounds like you’re thinking of her kind of seriously but it’s unclear if she’s on the same page.

  2. 1) Probably, but you’re not exclusive it doesn’t seem so it doesn’t matter. If you fuck up and those guys don’t, you lose. If you keep your shit together, most likely those other guys won’t and you’ll win. Can’t get too attached in the early dating phase of things unless you’re both super into each other right off.

    2) So now she has to carry around flowers all day? Nope. When, exactly, is her birthday?

    3) Again, when is this BBQ? Timing is everything on this stuff.

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