How do you deal with female competition?

  1. I don’t compete. If other people think they’re in a competition with me that’s their problem.

  2. Life is too short to see everyone else as competition. If they’re better than you at something, learn from them!

  3. I don’t. Seriously… Girls don’t care about this as much as people think.

  4. I don’t compete. Other people are either inspiration or cautionary tales.

    I learned long ago that my ability to estimate what is happening with other people is wrong when I try to evaluate and unfathomable inherently. Trying to compare is combined waste of time and hubris. Other people are not about me.

    Not a woman, but just take a well-known celebrity model. Jealous of Robin Williams for his talent? He died from suicide. That’s an obvious example of talent that’s worthy of jealousy and a stunning lack of insight into what would ultimately happen to him.

  5. I don’t know the last time when I competed with another woman. When I did it was because some man was trying to drag us both down to make them look better.

  6. I have always heard people talk about this, yet I and no other woman I have ever known felt like we were competing with other women. We’re more likely to stand with eachother than against eachother. I’m starting to question whether any woman has ever felt this way and it was just a myth that men circulated and then women began to believe

  7. I don’t see women as competition. Do you mean like a marathon? 5k? Job applications? What do you mean?

  8. I don’t. I have my circle of close friends. Everyone is awesome just the way they are.

    I’m also my own number one fan. And I’m terrific at everything according to me.

    I don’t tear down other women and I expect the same

  9. I don’t. She can have whatever she wants and I’ll have what I want. If it’s the same thing, I’ll rethink my want and see if it’s worth it. Most of the time, it’s a waste of time to go for the same thing and I’ll find a better alternative.

  10. Work competition: I would do as I would with men. Equal opportunity competitor here.
    Other: Just don’t, you’ll be happier that way.

  11. An ex competed on everything. I can’t be arsed to do so most of the time.
    It was exhausting just watching her over time.

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