OK so we have been going out for almost 2 months. I’ve noticed quite often he takes hours to respond but is active on social media, or we are having a normal conversation through text and he doesn’t answer but instead sends me tik toks and reels, leaving me on read for hours once again.

Now I am fully aware that people need there own space and I don’t want to force anyone to talk to me when they don’t want to, but at the same time it does hurt a little bit knowing you are being ignored and want to talk to that person and they just totally remove themselves from the convo and come back the next day like nothing happened.

How do I bring this up to him without sounding needy?

(Ps. We have hung out and had sleepovers and he does use his phone a lot, so that’s out of question)

Tl;dr! Boyfriend of 2 months ignores my text messages and instead sends me tik toks and reels

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