I’ve always struggled with trying to fit in so people like me and I’ve learned that not everyone’s going to like me, but my biggest struggle is watching my friends get into relationships that seem to be “perfect” but no matter how hard I try or seek a relationship nobody ever likes me. What should I do?

  1. Start by liking and loving yourself. Stop trusting in your friends and trust within yourself. Your friends maybe talking about your low level confidence when your not around. Find a hobby that makes you happy. It’s okay to not be like Everyone else. Be your authentic self and those relationships for you will gravitate to you.

  2. All around you there’s mediocrity, people all alike worldwide that say the same things over and over, who all pretend to be ‘like everybody else’ for fear of not being accepted, and you want to fit in? That’s the problem, you should be yourself and do and say what you want not trying to be like everybody else. The world is full of boring unoriginal “just like the other ones” people, nobody wants to meet another one of those.

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