Navigating group conversations?

Oftentimes I find myself meeting new groups of people and I find myself in a group conversation. Often these are old friends and they start talking about people they know about or new things happening in their circles. I sit there like an idiot not knowing wtf I’m supposed to say when people are discussing things I could not possibly know about. Like “did you hear x is ghosting y? Do you remember that time when x?” And it’s like… I am in this party with all these friends telling stories, I can’t possibly have anything to offer.

This happens to me quite often, especially at parties or basically any social situation that’s more than another person. I can usually converse with people one on one, but I’ve never done well in a group because this keeps happening to me. Even in a trio situation often it’s two people who know each other really well and me as a new person, and I just feel like pitiful dead weight. Any tips?

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