Men who expect women to be on some form of birth control or get their tubes tied, but refuse to get a vasectomy or simply wear a condom, why?

  1. They are not the ones getting pregnant.

    You as a woman have a right and responsability to look after yourself and after your interest, ¿The guy doesn’t want to wear a condom? Guess what, you are not forced to have sex with him.

  2. As a man who could not wait to get snipped, I’m curious as fuck too.

  3. Vasectomy is super easy and minimally invasive. I’d do it again if it meant my mom would take the kids for the weekend again.

  4. I dont waste my time trying to understand opinions of other men. I worry about me.

  5. I’ve never really heard of women being pressured into it because the man refused. My wife and I discussed which one of use would do it. My wife actually volunteered to, but I’d have done it just the same. Honestly I’d think men would be more inclined to do it.

  6. Birth controls not forever. Might change our minds. She doesnt like condoms and i aint roll that dice. Never demand a girl get fixed thats fucked up.

  7. I got snipped but still wear condoms as a just in case. I know why men don’t want to. With condoms it’s the feeling of it and with a vasectomy, probably the idea of a doctor operating down there just freaks some people out.

  8. Because women will eventually have sex with them anyway so they know they can get away with it.

  9. I would’ve performed my own vasectomy if I’d just had the numbing medicine available, so I’m curious too.

  10. Hell even if a woman says shes on BC you still go to be careful

  11. They’re selfish as fuck and aren’t going to openly admit it here OP. They’ll just keep it to themselves and vote to keep it this way come the election.

  12. She had an emergency C-section on our second baby. He was born 2 months premature. Almost lost the little guy. On our third and final baby, she really wanted to try for a VBAC delivery (vaginal birth after caesarian) but her OB/GYN thought it better not to. So she had a scheduled C-section for our third. She was asked before hand if she wanted to opt for tubal ligation while they were in there anyway. So that’s what she did. Sort of like doing a timing belt on a Honda. “While we’re in there…..might as well replace the water pump.” So anyway….. i’m still shooting fully loaded rounds while many guys I know at my age are shooting the post-vasectomy blanks.

  13. I don’t expect or demand anything like that. If anything, I know in today’s world I am in full charge of my body and birth control to keep from having kids/stds. Men should be in the habit of providing and disposing of their own BC. It’s too risky out there these days.

  14. Vasectomy has a 1-2% risk of chronic scrotal pain bad enough to reduce your quality of life. /r/postvasectomypain

  15. Vasectomies can lead to complications and are often not reversible. If there were a safe male birth control, I’d take it.

  16. They want kids, just not now and not with her. And condoms suck.

  17. I’ve never had sex and I’m never going to. So buying condoms is a waste of money and a vasectomy would just be cosmetic surgery at that point.

    I don’t really expect anything from women, but I don’t understand why people think I’m weird.

  18. I’ve had to turn down sex with women who DIDN’T want me to use a condom

  19. – Women don’t like condom in my personnel experience.

    – I don’t expect women to be on some form of birth control. If my wife want 12 kids. I’m ok with that loll

  20. Every person, especially if they’re not going to be monogamous needs to take responsibility for their own sexual protection

  21. People who ask loaded questions on reddit, are you honestly expecting real answers?

  22. Not that this is really an issue for me right now, but only one of those options is supremely effective and reversible.

  23. I don’t have an active sex life, so I can only answer with what I have heard multiple other guys say.

    Condoms tend to desensitize the penis, making it less pleasurable for the guy as he doesn’t feel as much as if it was direct contact with the penis like when barebacking it.

    As for vasectomy, after doing a quick search about vasectomy reversals, I found an article from Mayo clinic that states the chances of fertilizing a woman’s egg after a vasectomy reversal will be 30% to 90%, depending on various factors. So that might be one reason why someone might not want to do a vasectomy if they think they might change their mind about wanting children down the line.

  24. Any man who trusts a woman who says she’s on BC and doesn’t use a condom is an idiot.

  25. I like how everyone who commented is either snipped or admits condoms are a must.

  26. I really don’t know why you don’t understand the reason. Are you stupid?

  27. Because they’re idiots and think they might change their mind about fathering a child.

  28. I dont necessarily expect it as an entitlement… But I am suprised when they don’t. This is purely from imagining how I would be with something that would impact my life like that. I’ve personally had several women worry much less about getting pregnant than me and it always boggles me. In the heat of the moment, ive often had to put on the brakes with them trying to talk me into the risk. I actually consider it a sign of irresponsibility when it happens and a red-flag for a LTR or marriage.

    I’d take any male birth control in a second just to have more control over my own life. I prefer condoms even with women who say they are on birth control… Makes it easier to last long without trying anyway.

  29. Because I want to impregnate nuns immediately before Cthulhu comes forth when I will provide them as an offering.

  30. No error. Back then it was standard to close both end of the Vas where the removed a section. That can lead to painful cysts developing and I just got a really bad case of those. It was debilitatingly painful at times.

    The surgery was basically to remove hopelessly inflamed tissue and reopen the bottom end of the incision.

    The real risk with vasectony is if you develop lumps, they are assumed to be caused by the vasectomy, but they could be tumours.

  31. Why, because I have autonomy over my own body as is a basic human right

  32. Expect? Nah. Never that…. But would I prefer it over snipping my shit and having to unsnip it to have a kid? Yeah. Definitely.

    Surgery is more invasive than medication.

    Condoms are terrible. I don’t wanna have sex anymore if I gotta use a condom again. Thats like zero sugar sex.. diet pussy. I pass…

  33. Because birth control pills are the least invasive form of control available right now.

  34. i dont expect women to be on birth control.

    condoms suck tho. and im not 50 and i want kids in the future, so i do t really have another birth control choice.

    even most girls told me they hated the way condoms feel

  35. I highly recommend getting a vasectomy. I got mine at 23 three years ago. Never looked back.

  36. I’ll add that it is possible to get the vasectomy reversed if you decide later you want to have kids. Or just freeze your sperm. Also less complicated/expensive than women freezing their eggs.

  37. I got a vasectomy… But it broke my heart to do it. I did it to be responsible, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. For months I felt like I’d just paid someone to break me. Couples all over the world pay thousands and thousands of dollars for the miracle of fertility, and I literally paid someone a few hundred dollars to take that ability away from me.

    My wife is high risk and having another kid would be financially irresponsible… But it still feels like I gave something so valuable and precious away.

    Hope that helps.

  38. Because an astonishing amount of men don’t understand a vasectomy is reversible. If they weren’t committed to it for life, hell or high water and they knew it, they would do it.

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