Do you think men can be called feminist? Why?

  1. Absolutely. A feminist is a person who believes men and women should have equal rights, their gender is irrelevant.

  2. Yes. If you believe women (or everyone) have the right to make their own choices, then you are a feminist (among other things).

  3. Yes, but they gotta back it up with their actions. There are plenty of guys out there who say they’re feminist but won’t even do the dishes, if you get what I mean.

  4. I guess it depends on if their feminist values align with your feminist values. I don’t know if I’d ever meet a man that would align with mine, but they can be femi-friendly like my husband.

  5. Yes, of course! Obviously! Feminists men exist!

    Isn’t it misogynistic to say men shouldn’t call themselves feminists, even if they clearly live the feminists’ values?

  6. Yes, and I wish that more people in general would identify as feminists

  7. I mean Yeah, I don’t get why people think it’s a bad thing.

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