For those playing the home game, the door test was something they did on Bronx Tale. Back when we didn’t have remotes for door locks, the deal was, that, on a first date, you lock your doors, go get your date, walk her (her, for the purposes of this example, but it can be any gender you want) to the car, open their door, and walk around. If they unlock your side, they’re worth keeping around. If they don’t, get rid of them.

But now we have key fobs and self-unlocking doors.

So, what’s an updated version of this test?

  1. 1. They way they speak about their Ex’s

    2. The way they treat service employees (in general who they are neutral towards, who they don’t want anything from/don’t try to impress and people who are being paid to do something for them, so waiters are the easiest/most natural to interact with on first date).

    This will show you how they treat people in general, and how you can be expected to be treated.

  2. Don’t get your tests for relationships from movies is the updated version of this test lol.

  3. This is just like one of those “shit tests” that some women give men. Don’t be like that. Either like the girl or you don’t Stop playing games.

  4. The biggest “test” is whether or not the person in question engages in silly little tests to judge the quality of their partner.

    People are rare encapsulated in one singular moment and judging as though they are shows a great deal of immaturity.

  5. How long she can go without her phone.

    1. If she never takes it out, great.
    2. If she gets a notification and glances at it, ok.
    3. If she starts interacting with the other person and she says it’s urgent, ok but honestly I’d be skeptical.
    4. If she starts paying more attention to the phone than me, I’m rushing the end of the date and we’re done.
    5. If watches anything on tiktok, reels, etc, I’m just leaving her there.

  6. For me is if she takes out her credit card when the bill comes.

    I usually just pay for the dates so I don’t need her to but knowing she would shows me she’s a potential keeper

  7. If she doesn’t have a penchant for headaches, being tired, or not in the mood. I’m good in bed. If she’s not willing to get it on, even when she’s a bit tired or ‘not in the mood’, then either what I’m doing hasn’t thrilled her AND SHE CAN’T BE BOTHERED TO TELL ME THAT, or she’s just not into me. Either way, I’m not interested anymore.

    Because women just automatically assume that every guy will always be there with an erection whenever SHE wants him, but the girl losers won’t reciprocate.

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