we were talking about a threesome for past year and he found a girl 22F that can be a good fit for us. The girl 22F is a lesbian. he told me he will go and have sex with her without me and I said no. three weeks later he told me that he had sex with her tree times already without me knowing that that was even happening.

we are in relationship for 4 years and he telling me that I am the one and he dint want to loose me.

I still consider to have a threesome with her, but I don’t know if its the right thing to do. She knew about me the whole time, I never met her and they still did it

  1. You set a very reasonable boundary, but he still went behind your back to sleep with another woman multiple times without you knowing. He cheated on you and you need to leave him

  2. He cheated on you and completely crossed a boundary you created. What you should do is break up with him. Don’t allow yourself to be treated this way

  3. He asked if it was OK, you said no, he proceeded to have sex with someone else anyway. That’s still cheating.

    While he claims to not want to lose you, he’s proven to you that having sex with this other girls is more important to him than your wishes or consent.

    Cheaters will always prioritize their needs over everyone else’s. That’s why they make such terrible partners.

  4. If you are okay being lied to and cheated on, then sure it’s the “right” thing…. Also, since you seem oblivious, lesbians do not have sex with men 😂

  5. He is one of those people who are already cheating and brings up non monogamy to not bother with hiding it anymore.

    If you are happy with being cheated on, go ahead. If you prefer not to be cheated on, I would suggest not dating the person who is currently cheating on you. It would be a good start.

  6. Having a threesome now would be embarassing. He didn’t want a threesome, he just wanted to cheat. And btw she isn’t a lesbian.

  7. The two of them cheated on you, the best thing you could do is get away from both of them.

  8. Okay, he cheated on you. Do what you both want though, you both sound immature so have some fun.

  9. He’s lying to you. He wants to sleep with this girl without even doing the bare minimum of trying to hide it from you. If you stay with him, he’ll keep cheating or he’ll just up and leave you for her fully. Don’t be pathetic. Just dump him.

  10. Who told you she was a lesbian? I feel he said she was to make it seem like they weren’t fucking so you wouldn’t get suspicious.

    He cheated and wanted to do it openly. Dump him

  11. From someone who just came out of a relationship with a very similar situation he is absolutely always going to put his wants before you. He may treat you well but you will never really be a priority because as soon as it’s something that he’s interested in you and your feeling won’t matter at all. He is selfish and you deserve someone who respects you

  12. Okay. He cheated.. but you’re more concerned about a threesome?

    How many braincells are there between the three of you?

  13. So, he cheated on you, lied, then made up a story about a lesbian to have a threesome with to make the cheating okay?

    Friend, want better for yourself.

  14. There’s no such thing as long distance threesomes.

    He cheated on you. Leave him.

  15. Erm honey this is called cheating.. he not testing the waters he is cheating so no you don’t want the threesome or the relationship what the hell.

    He asked of it was ok you said no he did it anyway three times. This not ok and you should have more respect for yourself your acting like he just watched an episode of your favourite show without you like it no big deal

  16. That’s just regular ass cheating. The fact that you were discussing maybe having a threesome is irrelevant

  17. 🤣🤣🤣sometimes I just don’t know about how gullible people want to/ choose to be. The guy cheated and the OP is still thinking about having a threesome. Op at this point, you are the third wheel. And BTW, the other girl wasn’t a lesbian. 🤣🤣🤣

  18. I don’t know “lesbians” that have sex with men and still claim that sexual orientation. 😂😂😂😂
    And- I know a shit ton of lesbians.
    The math ain’t mathin’ 🤷🏽‍♀️

  19. So that’s cheating.

    Do you want to stay with a cheater? If not, then don’t.

  20. She is not a lesbian she might be bi. You set a boundary and he crossed it. He cheated with her and maybe others. Why would you still be with him more or less have a threesome???
    Have some respect for yourself and leave. Stop saying but I love him. That’s great but he doesn’t love or respect you.

  21. Where is your self respect woman??? Why are you on Reddit asking this stupid question. He cheated on you 3 times and your response is…”Maybe I still give him his 3some with his AP. That seems fair.” Im feeling second degree embarrassment. Show yourself some respect and end it. Then go get some therapy so you’re not such a doormat and have a chance to be a part of a real relationship.

  22. 1. She’s not a lesbian, they wouldn’t have had sex if she were
    2. He cheated on you 3 times.

    No remorse, leave him. He doesn’t respect you.

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